How to Uncap FPS for Increase Reaction-Time of Roblox

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Last Updated on 1 year by Komolafe Bamidele

Roblox, a gaming platform, always remains at the top position of the online gaming chart. This platform has millions of users from all over the world. It allows users to create and develop innovative games from their imagination or play games developed by fellow creators. 

Most of the newly developed games run on high resolution and high FPS but Roblox has a limited frame limit which is quite frustrating. In this article, we introduce software i.e FPS Unlocker, which helps to increase the frame limits of Roblox.

uncapping FPS on Roblox.

While playing games on Roblox users also earn money in the form of “Robux” (the virtual currency of Roblox), win Roblox games, or sell their created creations on the platform. 

Players can also convert this virtual money into real cash if they want using a Robux to USD Converter. This converter takes all the pain to calculate your Robux value in real currency and leaves all the fun in your hands.

Let’s talk about a negative aspect of Roblox. Due to capped FPS on Roblox, it sometimes offers a laggy performance to the users, especially while playing high-resolution games or games on low-end devices. 

If you are finding a solution to this problem, then you have landed in the right place. 

Without further ado, start reading the guide below to know interesting facts and information about Roblox FPS and the steps to uncap FPS.

What is FPS on Roblox?

What is FPS on Roblox?

While playing games on Roblox, if you face lags or late response times, you need to increase the FPS or Frames Per Second. 

The Roblox FPS indicates the no. of images appearing every second on the screen. A high FPS gives a smooth performance to the user. 

In contrast, a low FPS frustrates users and provides them with a choppy and laggy gameplay experience.

By default, FPS on Roblox is locked or capped at 60. Unfortunately, Roblox does not offer any option or setting to uncap FPS. 

But you need not worry in this article; we will be telling you about a third-party website, i.e., Roblox FPS Unlocker, that comes to your rescue and helps you increase FPS on Roblox. 

The two factors responsible for the capping of the FPS feature are; v-sync and frame fitter. When the v-sync is enabled, players are not allowed to set frames more than 60, thus to disable this feature, players need to install FPS uncapping software on their PC.

Why do we need to Uncap FPS on Roblox? 

As we all know that the FPS on Roblox is set at 60 by default, but imagine you have purchased a high-end PC for gaming purposes but are facing too many lags while playing games. 

Visuals are also not very attractive, despite the capacity of your PC to run at a higher frame rate; how frustrating it would be then. 

Thus, you must use the FPS unlocker to get minimal lag, better response time, and a smooth gaming experience. This third-party tool assists you to uncap FPS. 

What is FPS Unlocker?

What is FPS Unlocker

FPS Unlocker, a tool for increasing FPS on Roblox, acts as a boon for the millions of Roblox users. It uncaps FPS and increases and smoothes the gaming experience of users even on low-end devices. 

This software is 100% legal and safe to use and allows users to play their favourite Roblox games without glitches or interruption. 

This is the best FPS uncapping software as it disables v-sync and frame limiter, which Roblox has enabled by default and provides users with a seamless gaming experience.

How to Uncap 60 FPS on Roblox? 

As Roblox does not feature any in-built option to increase FPS on Roblox, players use third-party FPS unlocker tools to fix the lagging issue on the Roblox platform. 

Follow the below-mentioned steps to download this excellent tool; Roblox Unlocker. That will inject specific codes to your PC to disable v-sync and frame limit and allows you to uncap 60 FPS on Roblox.

  1. Either search for on your preferred internet browser or click on the link- to reach the web page of the FPS Unlocker software web page. 
  2. In the middle of the web page, you will find a download now option in the blue box. 
  3. The file will start to download.
  4. Install the FPS Unlocker Setup Exe file on the desktop or wherever it is accessible to you. 
  5. After downloading and installing the file, you can use the same in your gameplay to increase FPS on Roblox to more than 100.

Keep reading below to know how to use the FPS uncap tool in a Roblox gameplay.                                                                                   

How to use an FPS Unlocker? 

The steps are pretty simple and easy to use the FPS Unlocker tool while playing your game on Roblox. 

  1. You have to open the game of your choice and press ‘Shift + F5’ on your keyboard. 
  2. A dialogue box will appear on the top left corner of the screen, which states the current or the default FPS in the Roblox. 
  3. Minimize the Roblox game you are playing and open the recently installed FPS unlocker software from the desktop or wherever you have placed it. 
  4. Click on the start button on the screen, and it will show various new options.
  5. Explore all the options and choose which option you want to play in.
  6. Now click on ‘Unlock FPS‘ and wait for the process to end. 
  7. Again, go back to your game and press ‘Shift + F5‘, and you will see that the frame rates are unlocked, and now you will be able to play games with the increased FPS on Roblox.

Final Thoughts 

We have discussed all the aspects of uncapping FPS on Roblox. Such as; explaining what FPS on Roblox is, the need for FPS uncaps, the description of FPS unlocker, and how to download and use the same. 

We are pretty much sure that you must have understood all the above-discussed points. But there are few more things about Roblox FPS that you should make a point about. 

Exceeding FPS to unexpected levels can also leave a reverse or negative effect on GPU, monitors and other PC operating and computing functions. 

The rate of FPS also depends on the Graphic card installed on your PC; the more the size of the graphic card, the more you can increase the FPS on Roblox. 

Some users doubt whether to use the Roblox FPS Unlocker or not due to the fear of getting banned or suspended on Roblox, but trust us, this is a 100% safe tool that will provide you with a seamless gaming experience for Roblox users even on low-end PCs.

So, what are you thinking of now? Go today and download Roblox FPS Unlocker to uncap FPS for experiencing smooth & lag-free gameplay.

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