How To Set Up Enhanced Google Analytics for WooCommerce [MonsterInsights Guide]

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

If you own a WooCommerce store, then you would need a tool to track your visitors and the performance of your products.

For that, you would need Google analytics, one of the best tracking software in the market.

The best thing about Google Analytics is that it is free and you can track the basic metrics of your with this tool.

However, to do more serious tracking that would help your WooCommerce store, you will need to set up Google Analytics Enhanced WooCommerce tracking.

This should help you track detailed metrics and help you get deeper insights into your customers’ shopping activities that will help with better decision-making and optimization of your site to boost sales.

Google Analytics for WooCommerce

In this guide, you will learn how to enable Google Analytics Enhanced eCommerce for WooCommerce using MonsterInsights.

If you don’t know, MonsterInsights is notably the best Google Analytics plugin for WooCommerce. It allows you to easily track your metrics and view your Google Analytics dashboard straight off your WordPress dashboard.

What is Google Analytics Enhanced eCommerce Tracking?

Google Analytics Enhanced eCommerce Tracking

Normally, you can track eCommerce metrics in Google Analytics, however, you’d only get basic data that won’t give you any real insights into the performance of your WooCommerce store.

Enhanced eCommerce tracking, on the other hand, shows you more detailed data about the activity of your customers on your site. This tracking feature is optional but you would want to enable it to view powerful reports including:

Overview and Products Performance

With Enhanced eCommerce, you can track categories, brand names, and specific pages relevant to your store.

You can also access sales data for products. This data includes metrics such as revenue conversion rates, number of refunds, and so on.

Shopping and Checkout Behavior Reports

Enhanced eCommerce tracking will provide you with more detailed insights into your shopping cart (initiations and abandonment), product page views, and completed transactions.

Product List Performance Reports

Products list help to categorize your products and could be useful for cross-selling which will maximize your revenue. You can track the product lists displayed to your customers, analyze their performance, and make them better to increase revenue.

Customer Behavior

With Enhanced eCommerce tracking, you can know how customers respond to your coupon codes and incentives. You can determine the ones that are performing best to work on them.

In addition to this, you can track your sales and your affiliates. You can also check revenue, transactions, and the order amount of the transactions carried out.

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How To Set Up Enhanced Google Analytics for WooCommerce [MonsterInsights Guide]

Below are the steps to take to set up Google Analytics Enhanced tracking. In this guide, we will be making use of MonsterInsights for the WooCommerce Google Analytics integration.

Step 1: Install and Activate the MonsterInsights Plugin

MonsterInsights Plugin

Before you can set up Google Analytics Enhanced tracking, you would have to first install MonsterInsights on your WordPress site. First, go to MonsterInsights official page and sign up for an account.

Once signed up, you will have to subscribe to a payment plan. There are three payment plans from MonsterInsights.

However, to make use of the WooCommerce/eCommerce feature, you would have to sign up for either its Pro plan or its Agency plan.

After you have signed up for a plan, you can go ahead to install and activate the MonsterInsights plugin on your WordPress site.

You can do this directly from MonsterInsights website or you can go to your WordPress dashboard to search and install the plugin.

Step 2: Activate the eCommerce Addon

To get sales tracking for your WooCommerce and other eCommerce related reports, you would have to activate the eCommerce addon. To do this, navigate Insights >> Addon >> eCommerce.

Monsterinsights eCommerce Plugin

Click on the Activate and the status will automatically display active.

Step 3: Enable the Enhanced eCommerce Tracking Feature in Google Analytics

First login to your Google Analytics account and select the website you want to enable the Enhanced eCommerce tracking feature for.

Setup MonsterInsights Plugin

Next, navigate to the left taskbar and click on Admin.

Google Analytics for WooCommerce

Look under the column on the right of the displayed options and click on Ecommerce Settings.

Google Analytics Ecommerce Settings

Now, toggle the sliders under Status and Enable Related Products from off to on. After that, click on Next Step.

Google Analytics for WooCommerce

Go to the Enhanced eCommerce settings and toggle the slider to turn it on. Click on Submit.

Step 4: Enable the Enhanced eCommerce Tracking Feature in MonsterInsights

Go back to your WordPress admin page and click on MonsterInsights. Navigate to Insights >> Settings.

Click on the eCommerce tab from the top men and turn on the Use Enhanced eCommerce feature.

Enable Google Analytics on woocommerce

Once done, the addon will automatically track your WooCommerce store and provide you with metrics through which you can grow your business.

How To View Your WooCommerce Performance

View Your WooCommerce Performance

After you have set up Google Analytics Enhanced Tracking in your WooCommerce store, you can then view your eCommerce report by navigating to Insights >> Reports >> eCommerce.

ECommerce sale reports

You will be shown an overview of your store with all the relevant information about conversion rate, revenue, transactions, and average order.

Here, you can edit the data rate and change it to suit your preferences.

Products report on woocommerce

After that, scroll down to your Top
Products report. In this section, you will see the best-performing products in your store including the quantity, % of sales, and total revenue from sales.

This report will help you to deduce which products are making you your revenue and you can promote those products to boost your sales.

Also, you would be able to tell which products are performing best in terms of conversions, so you can work on them for better performance.

But that’s not all you can do with WooCommerce Google Analytics eCommerce tracking. You can also check out your Top Conversions for your store.

You will find this report right above the website that gives you the most converting traffic (traffic that leads to sales).

In this report, you will find stats like the number of visits, the overall percentage of these visits, and the revenue generated from the visits.

This data would help you to discover the sources that bring the highest profitable value. Then you can focus on promotions for these sources to boost revenue.

Total Add to Cart / Total Removed From Cart on monsterinsights plugin

Aside from these reports, you can also find other stats like Total Add to Cart / Total Removed From Cart. These stats will reveal the number of products your site users have added and removed at checkout.

What’s more, you can also view the Time of Purchase report and Seasons of
Purchase report to know how long it takes for a conversion to happen when a customer visits your WooCommerce store.

Other Stats to Track Via Google Analytics Enhanced eCommerce tracking

When setting up Enhanced eCommerce tracking, there are several other tracking options, you can enable for improved stats on your WooCommerce store.

Display Advertising Support: This metric will track your ads on the Google Display Network. When set, you can track this metric in your Google Analytics account.

Enhanced Link Attribution: This will differentiate between several links to a single URL on a page. This means that you can tell which link is clicked more often if you have multiple links pointing to the same URL.

This way, you can greatly improve the precision of your In-Page Analytics report.

Anonymize IP Addresses: This setting will keep your users’ data more private. If you are selling to customers in different countries, you should check to know if it is mandatory in any of those countries you are operating in.

Track 404 (Not Found) Error: This setting will help you find dead or broken links on your store. You can check the stats for this setting by navigating to your Google Analytics and then to Behavior >> Events >> Overview >> Error.

Testing Google analytics

Before you can fully allow Google Analytics to track your site, you should test the tracking feature to ensure that it is working just as it should.

To do this, you can use the Google Tag Assistant tool for Chrome.

Before testing ensure that

  • You are logged out of your Google Analytics account so that your activity can be tracked.
  • You wait a while for the tracking activity to show up in your Google Dashboard. It should show up immediately if you’re using real-time tracking reports.
  • There are no Javascript errors on the page as they could prevent your store from being tracked.

While tracking you may experience warning/errors or you may notice multiple tracking instances on your page. To know where these errors are coming from, you should do a conflict test.

Wrapping Up

With that, you should be able to track all the important metrics for your store. You should also be able to tell which products are working best for your store, the categories that generate the most revenue, the sources that bring the most converting traffic.

While you would have to subscribe to one of the big plans from MonsterInsights to access the best this feature has to offer, it is a small price to pay for the value you would get in return.

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