What’s My Location IP; How To Change location IP with NordVPN

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

Your IP address is basically a numerical label that helps your network provider identify your location or network interface.

Tracking IP addresses is really important especially for sites targeting users in a specific country or location. But it could also mean you will get locked out of sites that are not targeting your location

What's My Location IP

This is where VPNs become extremely helpful as they can help you change your IP address to the location that is accepted so that you can gain access. While there are hundreds of VPNs out there only a few allow you to change location to almost anywhere in the world. One of those few effective VPNs is Nord VPN

In this article, you will learn how to use NordVPN to change your location.

How Does a VPN Change Your Location IP?

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) changes your location by sending your traffic through a server in another location.

To change your location the VPN app:

Lets you select a server in the country you would like to change your IP address to. With Nord VPN you get access to VPN servers in 58 countries all over the world. In some cases, you will find serves in some cities of these countries so you can change your IP address based on the city.

What's My Location IP

After you’ve connected to the server, the VPN will create an encrypted tunnel around all of the traffic in your device. The tunnel helps to direct your traffic and it will lead straight to the server that you selected. At the final destination, your traffic will be decrypted and your IP address will change to that of the server while your actual IP address will be hidden from the world.

With that, you can browse any site on the location that you choose as long as you remain connected to the VPN app. If you want, you can also switch servers to new locations.

Why You Use a VPN IP Changer?

There are many reasons to use a VPN IP changer and probably the most popular reasons are to:

Hide your identity from trackers: With a VPN app, you can easily change your location from one continent to another. This could really help if you’re connecting from home and you want to remain hidden.

Accessing Content: As said earlier, websites use IP addresses to determine who can view the content on their sites. If you’re moving to another country that is blocked from accessing that site, you might miss your favorite shows. To that effect, you will need a VPN IP changer to provide you with access.

What’s My Location IP? How To Check My IP Address Online

The easiest way to check your IP address online is to go on Google and type in “What is my IP address”. Your correct IP address should pop up immediately. However, you will only be able to see only your IP address but other information like your exact location and your internet service provider will be hidden.

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To see this information, you will have to use a more reliable IP address checker. Also when you change your IP location with Nord VPN, you will have to check not only your IP address but also your location to see if it was changed to the actual one you chose.

With the Nord VPN IP address checker, you can check your IP address and your location.

What Your IP Address Reveals About You

The fact that your IP address reveals critical information about you is one of the reasons why you have to change your IP address when visiting sensitive websites or sites that you don’t trust completely. With your IP address, someone could know

Who You Are: When checking your IP address online, you will see information like your location and internet service provider. Unfortunately, this information can be freely accessed by anyone. In fact, cybercriminals

can take it a step further by searching your IP address online and pulling information like your browsing habits and history.

What You Browse: if you don’t know, your internet service provider can track and log your online activity. This means that at any time, your browsing history can be used for whatever purpose. This includes your online activity, your name, home address, phone number, and credit or debit card details.

What You Buy: Advertisers track your IP address to know about your shopping habits and decide which ads are best for you. When you shop continuously with one IP address, advertisers can determine your shopping preferences, desires, and habits.

How To Change location IP with NordVPN

What's My Location IP

With Nord VPN you can change your IP address to that of more than 50 leading countries. Nord is extremely easy to use and like other leading VPNs, it can be used on the desktop, mobile or through a router.

To use Nord VPN, you would have to first choose a pricing plan. The software offers different pricing plans billed monthly, annually, and bi-annually.

Once you’ve signed up and subscribed to one of their pricing plans, you can download the app on your device from the Google Play store for Android devices and the Apple Store for IOS devices. You can also download the apps for both platforms from their official website.

If you want to use it on your desktop, you can download the Nord VPN for Firefox and the Nord VPN for chrome extensions. Nord also allows you to use and install its VPN on your router.

If you’ve downloaded and installed the VPN on your device, all you need to do is launch the device and log into your account.

Then you can choose your location from the options available.

When done, you can check out your new location using the Nord VPN IP address checker.

Wrapping Up What’s My Location IP

With that, you know everything about what a VPN is and how it works. You also know how an IP address works and why you should use a VPN to protect your online identity. You should also be able to change your IP address with Nord VPN.

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