How to Edit A PDF File for Free Online – Pdfescape Tutorial

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

 You want to create or edit a pdf file for free online, then this is the best article for you because it contains all the necessary information that you need to edit or create a PDF file without stress.

In this article you’ll know how to create a PDF file minutes, then you need to read this informative article to the end.

 So that you will understand the complete information and you’ll be able to create your PDF file without paying anyone to create it for you. 

How To Edit Pdf File Online

How To Edit Pdf File Online

There are numerous software and tools that can be used to edit or create a PDF file but, PDFescape is one of the best software that can be used to create a PDF file.

 Currently, thousands of people use this incredible software because it is simple and easy to use, aside from that, it is completely free.

 You don’t need to be a graphic designer or website designer before you can use PDFescape to create a professional PDF file.

If you want to learn how to use PDFescape to create or edit a pdf file for free online without paying anyone, then you need to keep reading this informative article.

How To Use Pdfescape To Edit Or Create Your PDF File

How to Edit A PDF File for Free Online - Pdfescape Tutorial

PDFescape is one of the best and easy to use software that can be used to edit or create a PDF file, is it easy and simple to use but it is also important to learn how to use it properly, that is why I am creating this informative article to teach you how to use PDF escape to create or edit your PDF file easily.

How To Use Pdfescape To Edit Or Create Your PDF file On Desktop Computer Or Laptop.

How To Use Pdfescape To Edit Or Create Your PDF file On Desktop Computer Or Laptop.

If you want to use PDFescape to edit or create PDF files on a desktop computer or laptop you need to follow this simple instruction to do it properly.

The first method of using PDF escape to edit or create your PDF file is to download the software online. Download and install the PDFescape software on your laptop or desktop computer.

Download and install the PDFescape software on your laptop or desktop computer.
  1. Now open the software and Click Edit on the top left corner of the software, immediately you will go to Edit Mode.
  2. Now you need to Double click anywhere around the empty space of your documents, then a blue box appears. 
  3. Your text boxes will become blue, now you can use the Type Text option in the Edit Module for your PDF file. Immediately, after you have clicked the box, you will see a flashing cursor that’s indicating, now you can type in the blue box  version of PDFescape  just like a standard text editor.
  4. To make the visible blue , you need to click outside the text box. Now, your PDF file will show your text as it can be seen by anyone who views your document, you need to double click to edit your text.
  5. Click any corner of the text box with the mouse, immediately the mouse icon will turn into a circular arrow.
  6. Now, when you hold your mouse down the left mouse button will allow you to rotate your PDF file text in the box and when you release the mouse button you will see the changes that are made immediately.
  7. You can hold the left mouse button anywhere on the black line that is surrounding your document text when it is not a circle to move the text boxes around the documents.
  8. PDF escape has a grid tool that is designed to help facilitate formatting your PDF, the snap feature is active, even when you can’t see it.
  9. Make sure you follow the red line as you are moving the document text because the line will help to align your document text properly.
  10. To resize your document text, hold down the mouse button to the circles around the border of the text box. Check the front settings on the PDFescape desktop version to format your document text in each text box.
  11. You can use the standard font editing tools by locating the Edit Module when your text box is active. 
  12. If you want to delete or delete all your document text on PDF escape, make use of the backspace or delete the key on the keyboard and click on backspace/delete again.

If you follow this simple instruction you will be able to edit or create PDF files on your desktop computer or laptop with Pdfescape easily without paying anyone to do it for you.

How To Use PDFescape On Smartphone

How To Use PDFescape On Smartphone

You can also edit pdf files for free online on your mobile phone, PDFescape is not for desktop computer and laptop users only. You can also use the same tool on your smartphones. 

You need to make use of the online version of PDFescape, in case you want to edit or create your PDF file with PDFescape on your smartphone.

The online version of PDFescape allows all internet users including Android, Apple iOS, Windows, and other operating system users to create or edit year PDF files.

All you need to create or edit your PDF file on PDFescape online is your internet connection and browser.

How To Use PDFescape Online Version

How To Use PDFescape Online Version

To use Pdfescape the online version of the PDFescape, you must log in on their official website, it is recommended to use Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari browser.

When you want to edit a pdf file for free online or create a PDF file using Pdfescape online version for a better user experience.

To get started with the Pdfescape online version. 

  • Log in to the official website.
  • Click on add test, then Add New Text.
  • Click on the Insert Tab, now you can choose text from the available text for your document.
  • You need to move the mouse icon to the empty part of the file and click to start typing.
  • The Text feature is active so it will allow you to type your text.
  • To turn off the text feature, click on the empty part of the file.

To modifying Text

PDFescape allows all users to modify their text, so, if you want to modify or edit your document text, move your cursor over the text you want to edit, immediately the cursor will turn into a four-sided shape. Now click on the text any time you can interact with the text to edit it.

To Move Your Text On Pdfescape online version.

Click and hold the mouse left button and drag the text, you can now release the mouse button and the text will move, when you reach where you want to move it to.

To Delete Your Document Text On PDFescape online version.

You need to move the mouse icon over the text you want to delete, then click the Delete key on the keyboard immediately, the text will be deleted. 

To delete the whole document click on the recycle bin icon, the whole text will be deleted immediately.

To Set Your Text Font

To Set Your Text Font with pdf escape

You can change or add numerous font settings to your documents like the font, style, size, colour, and more. 

  • To change or edit your document text font
  • Move the mouse icon over the text.
  • Click on the text, then The font setting section will appear at the top.

Now to add Bold/Italics/Underlines to your document text.

You need to move the mouse icon over the text that you want to add new or change the front text and click on it 

  • Choose the B to bold.
  • Choose the I to italicize.
  • Choose U to underline.

To change or edit your front type.

You need to move your mouse icon over the text, then click on it. Click the font dropdown to choose a new font.

To change or edit your front size

To change or edit your front size with pdfescape

You need to move your mouse icon over text, then click on it. Click the font size dropdown and choose a new size.

To change or edit your front color.

You need to move your mouse icon over text, then, click on it. Choose the colour box next to Color. Choose your new colour.

Why You Should Use Pdfescape To Edit Or Create Your PDF File

PDF is one of the oldest, best and free pdf creators and editors since the website were launched in 2007.

It is simple and easy to use. If you want to edit a pdf file for free online without stress then PDF escape is the best tool and software for you.

PDF escape is completely free, you don’t need to pay anyone before you can use PDFescape. That is why thousands of people use incredible tools to edit or create their PDF documents every month. 

PDF escape is one of the best software and tools that you can use to edit or create your PDF file, aside from pdfescape there are numerous and fantastic tools that you can use to create or edit your PDF file.

Best PDF File Creator And Editor.

best PDF File Creator And Editor.
  1. Smallpdf
  2. PDF-XChange Editor
  3. Sejda
  4. PDFsam Basic

These Best Free Online Pdf editors can also be used to create or edit PDF files, some of these tools are completely free, why some are paid.

These tools are easy and simple to use. You don’t need to be a website designer or graphic designer before you can use these tools to create your PDF file or edit your PDF document.

You can use these tools and PDF escape to edit your PDF file online for free.

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