Can Facebook Posts Get Your Business More Organic Reach? Read Here

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Last Updated on 1 year by Komolafe Bamidele

The reach of social media is still huge and massive. There are around 3.6 billion active social media users. And, there are 2.8 billion active users on Facebook, alone. Reaching them is not an easy task.

Facebook stats

Have you ever noticed that when you upload a post to your business page  people hardly see it? The reason for little or no interaction could be poor design.

Or it could even be a fault in the user persona that you’re using to target your audience.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways that can be used to increase your brand visibility and show your content in front of your target audience.

What are those ways? If you want to know about them, read here. 

Change Your Content to Achieve Facebook Organic Reach

Facebook organic reach
Young woman using smart phone,Social media concept.

One of the major reasons for the Facebook organic reach decline is unreasonable content and personalized news feed.

Posting the same content, again and again, deteriorates the quality of your Facebook page.

There are a number of ways that you can use to produce quality content. Some of them are: 

  • Go Live:  This is an excellent way to reach a massive audience at once. You can do a video tour of your business space. Showing your audience virtually the kind of effort you have been putting in will hook the attention of the viewers. They are more likely to be interested in your brand. You can also discuss topics and provide the users with quality information.
  • The Facebook Stories: There are a number of creative options that disappear after 24 hours. You can make use of the polls, videos, questions, quizzes, and user-generated photos to engage your target audience. With these options, showing the personality of your brand and cultivating an audience is not a difficult task.
  • Mixing the post formats: Mixing the post formats is the best way to boost your organic audience. According to the experts at if you do not see any result even after regular posting, try switching to the videos to see the difference. Especially, when you will post raw videos it will add a lot of value to your page. You can also link to other posts that your audience will love to read.

Choose the right time


Not only the content but the time you are posting it holds equal importance. For example, if you will post early in the morning, it is more likely that it skips the news feed of the users.

Therefore, you need to see when your target audience wakes up. For this, you can make use of Facebook Analytics and identify the online timing of your users. Also, in the page insight, you can see the peak days that your followers are actively searching or viewing your posts.

Now you know the methods that you can use Facebook to organic reach. The methods mentioned above will not only improve your content flow but also will be more effective and engaging.

But, before you start working on Facebook, do not forget that your content has a variety and is not auto-generated.

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