How To Create Order Forms For Free On WordPress To Get More Conversions

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

There are over 3 million blog owners, business owners, and professionals using WPForms to Create Forms For Free and the reason for that is simple, it works.

Create Forms For Free

Users of the WPForms plugin can create as many WordPress Forms as they want and track the performance of these forms with the features provided by the plugin.

If you just go the WPForms plugin and you’re wondering how to create forms for free to get more conversions, you can continue reading to find all the information you need and the right steps to follow.

Create Order Forms For Free WordPress Using WPForms

Order forms have many uses so they require different templates with great designs. In this guide, you will learn how to Create Forms For Free on WordPress for dropshipping.

Step 1: Setup WPForms

Setup WPForms order Forms

If you don’t have the WPForms plugin on your blog, you would have to first download, install, and activate the plugin.

After that, go to WPForms >> Add New to create an order form.

You will be directed to the setup screen. Type in the name of your form and choose the Billing/Order Form template.

WPForms will generate a simple order form for you.

Step 2: Customize Your Order Form

Create Forms For Free

Once the order form is created, you will be directed to the form editor where you can customize the order form to your taste.

On the Form Editor, you can add and remove fields based on your preference. On the left-hand side of the Editor, you will find field options, you can click on the field options to see the ones available.

To add a field, simply navigate to the left-hand side, click on the field you want to add and drag it to the right-hand-side of the editor.

You can also edit the field and type in the details that you want. To rearrange the fields in a suitable order, simply click and drag to the area you want it to be.

Step 3: Configure Your Form Settings.

Configure & Create Forms For Free.

Your form settings include several features that will make the form function exactly as you want it to. In the form settings, you can change your form name, the description, and submit button copy.

Blog owners can also boost the security of their site by enabling the anti-spam feature on the form.

Next, is the confirmation section. You can write a message that will be displayed to the buyer or site visitor when they submit an order form on your WordPress site.

WPForms offers two other confirmation types apart from displaying a message to the site visitor; Show Page and Redirect. You can choose either one of the options or a combination.

Finally to Create Forms For Free, you will have to configure the payment settings of the form. WPForms allows you to integrate both PayPal and Stripe payment options into your form,

Step 4: Send the Visitor an Email Receipt

Visitor Email Receipt

This is an important part of order forms. When a customer places an order or makes a payment, they would expect some sort of notification that their order and payment have been received.

By default, you will receive a notification when a customer submits a dropshippping form on your site, but if you have several employees or partners in your dropshipping business, you may want them to receive the notification of the order and handle it as fast as possible.

Through WPForms, you can send multiple notifications in several simple steps. Also, you add a notification that will go out to the when customers submit the form on your site.

Create Forms For Free

To do this, click on the Add New
Notification button in the Notifications area.

Create Forms For Free

A page will popup so that you can name the notification you want to add. Type in a name that you can easily remember.

WPForms Email notification

Next, tap on Show Smart Tag. You will find it next to the Send to Email Address Field.

Email Address Field wpforms

In the dropdown menu, select the Email

Then move to the message section and type in the message you want your customer to see when they receive the email notification from you.

Create Forms For Free

Keep (all fields) in the notification message to include the contents of the order form in the notification. When the customer gets the email they will see everything they filled out in the form as it is.

Customers who made mistakes while filling their forms can easily make corrections when they receive such a mail.

Step 5: Add The Form To Your Website

WPForms payment button

After you’re done customizing the form and editing the form settings, you can then go ahead to add it to your WordPress site through WPForms .

With WPForms, you can Create Forms For Free and add the form to as many places on your site as possible. This includes in your pages, blog posts, and sidebar widgets.

To add the dropshipping form to your blog post or page simply,

Get WPForms Pro Now

Create a new post or page in your WordPress site. While on the WordPress editor, click inside the blank area below the page title and then tap on the Add WPForms icon.

WPForms free order form

A WPForms widget will appear inside the blank area of your page. Tap on the WPFforms dropdown to select which form you want to appear on the page or post, in this case, select the Billing/Order Form.

WPForms free order form

Next, click on publish so that your post or page appears on your website. You can check the post or page, and you will find your order form on the page.

With that, you’ve successfully created a simple order form on your WordPress site. As you can see it is very easy to create an order form through WPForms, but that is not all you can do with WPForms. The site allows you to create many other types of forms and you can also create a survey or poll through the plugin.

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You can also track your order form by checking its performance on your WPForms. You will be able to see how many customers have used the form within the time period you choose. The statistics could help you create better forms for your site in the future.

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