WPForms Review; Best Drag and Drop WordPress Free Forms Builder

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

The WordPress free forms builder is a basic requirement for every WordPress website. The presence of the contact form enables users to effectively communicate with webmasters without their email box.

In recent times, WPForms have been seen as the easiest form plugin for website owners and users.
WordPress Free Forms Builder

It is seamless to use; it does not require any technical skill. Although there are several WordPress free forms builder, WPForms remain the best drag and drop WordPress free forms builder.

WPForms plugin gives you an ample opportunity to create forms for free. In this article, we shall be reviewing why is important to utilize WPForms for your WordPress forms builder.

Most people are always discouraged when it comes to creating forms for their websites. WPForms as one of the best WordPress free forms builder gives you that advantage to easily create form without stress. Once you have WordPress form builder you don’t need to seek the help of a developer.

It is known for outstanding user experience. WordPress form builder aid a non-technical individual to make and edit their WordPress website without paying for a developer.

Is WPForms WordPress Free Forms Builder Free?

You may want to ask if WPForms is free. Though there is a free trial version through WPForms lite. This is available for all users who desire it. The free version includes all the features embedded in basic contact forms like captcha, form field, email notifications, thank you page. Though WPForms as WordPress free forms builder has a Lite version that is free to the user. You sure need to upgrade to WPForms Pro to unlock that salient features associated with the form builder

WordPress Form Pricing

WPForms WordPress Free Forms Builder Pricing

Currently, there are four purchasing options. Each of the plans functions effectively. Here are the plans, you can choose the one suitable for your need:

  • Basic Plan

    This is the most affordable plan. It is suitable for a personal website, and individual looking for a way to cut costs. The pricing is $39.

  • Plus Plan

    $99 three website usage, and extra email marketing features.

  • Pro Pricing Plan

    The subscription amount is $199. This WPForms package allows 20 sites with payment and some other features.

  • Elite Plan

    this cost $299. This WordPress form builder is unlimited, meaning it does not regulate the number of sites, unlike the other plans. It also offers multisite support.

WPForms WordPress Free Forms Builder Membership

WPForms as WordPress free form builders remain one of the best tools to add a contact form to your websites. It gives you access to add membership sites. With WPForms lite plugin you can easily add a functional contact form on WordPress website. All that is required to carry out this action has been fully provided.

WordPress Free Forms Builder

If you are have been wondering how to create a WPForms membership site with WordPress look no further. A membership site can be a great way to monetize your WordPress website. It is an avenue to increase your site revenue. A membership site enables you to invite visitors to your website by charging a given fee to gain access to your valuable content.

It gives you control over your website content like downloads, online courses, forums, support and more.

If your business needs are high, you can as well make use of the WPForms pro. No matter your WordPress needs WPForms is always available. It is highly recommended due to the verities of features that come with it. When looking for WordPress form builder look no further, WPForms is your best option. It’s very simple to use.

Why Use WPForms As WordPress Free Forms Builder?

WpForms are extremely wonderful due to its user-friendly interface. You make changes to your website without assistance or any hassle. This implies that you can create a form on your website without programming knowledge.

This, in turn, enables you to save some costs. The reality is, there are several WordPress free forms builder, but WPForms stand out. It is imperative to utilize the one that has excellent user experience.

WordPress Free Forms Builder
Here we shall be looking at some important features or benefits why you should utilize this WordPress free forms builder:

Offers Smart Conditional Logic

This is one of the benefits that users enjoy while creating form. WPForms offers users an easy way to create forms. WPForms enables users to create forms for free. It gives you access to customize your pages just by drag and drop interface. You make changes to your website at your convenience.

Mobile-Friendly Websites

One of the advantages WPForms builder offers to users is that it allows you to easily create a mobile-friendly website. You agree with us, that mobile-friendly websites will rank higher than the sites that are not mobile-friendly. With this WordPress free form builder, you optimize your site in a mobile-friendly manner.

Spam Protection

WPForms also offer users spam protection features. You don’t have to be scared of spam mail; this WordPress free form builder got you covered.

Multiple Options

Depending on the package you subscribe to. Either you are on WPForms lite or WPForms pro you are at advantage for multiple sites and an unlimited number of forms.

Get WPForms Now

Conclusion WPForms WordPress Free Forms Builder Review

On the final note, WPForms stands out as the best WordPress free forms builders. It is user-friendly with easy to use interface. If you are yet to utilize this WordPress tool, endeavor you do so. We would be glad to know your experience with other WordPress free forms builder by dropping your comment below.

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