Don’t Buy from Amazon – Tips For Spotting Fake Amazon Reviews

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

Amazon is one of the best and most popular e-commerce platforms at the moment. 

The multibillion-dollar business empire comes with a lot of benefits both for online buyers and sellers. 

In this article, I’m going to show you all tips to spot Amazon’s fake reviews and the possible strategies that fake product sellers on Amazon and other e-commerce platforms use to promote their fake and substandard products and make them look real even when they are not. 

Over the years, there are millions of products on the e-commerce platform and thousands of people make purchases every hour.

 It is considered one of the most used e-commerce platforms in the world. 

Why Do Many People Use Amazon?

Why Do Many People Use Amazon

Currently, Amazon sells millions of items in several industries so that anyone can buy products on Amazon regardless of their location, 

Simply because it ships products to buyers in any location in the world even if Amazon does not operate there, with the help of Amazon’s incredible shipping program

Amazon has been a great benefit for everyone both online buyers and sellers, But Amazon’s buyers lose millions of dollars annually from buying fake and substandard products on the popular e-commerce platform. 

If you are a regular buyer on Amazon or other e-commerce platforms, I’m very sure you have come across fake products with positive and incredible reviews, good ratings, and more. 

What Are Fake Reviews? 

spotting Fake Reviews

Some sellers on Amazon on other e-commerce platforms hire some online users or shoppers to write positive reviews about their products, even if the product is not up to standard. 

Fake review is one of the services that thousands of people provide on several online platforms including freelance platforms over the years and currently. 

Product and service sellers on several incredible and popular e-commerce platforms buy these fake reviews services. 

So that they will be able to use them to promote their products to get more sales within a short time. 

This is one of the best and most effective methods of promoting substandard products and it will increase users’ trust in the product after seeing several positions, reviews, rates, etc. on these several e-commerce platforms including Amazon. 

How To Spot Fake Amazon Reviews And Products

Tips For Spotting Fake Amazon Reviews

While there are several ways to outwit unscrupulous sellers and spot Amazon fake reviews. Below are a few of them:

#1. Very High Percentage Of Five-star Reviews

This is one of the most effective methods to spot fake Amazon products or reviews when you realize that all customers that bought the product rate it 5 stars, 

then you should know that there’s something wrong with the reviews and buyers.

The product can never satisfy all buyers, some buyers will rate it 3 stars, while some will give it four stars, and only a few buyers which are between 5 to 10% will rate any product five stars.

#2 More Review Than Popularity

According to a survey, less than 20% of buyers come back to review the product they brought, especially if they’re satisfied with the product outcome. 

So when you spot that there are fake reviews on the Amazon product more than product sales, then you should know that it is a fake or paid review by the seller

#3. Check The Seller’s Profile

A lot of sellers on Amazon and other e-commerce platforms do-not-hire anyone to write reviews on their profiles but they spend a lot of money to hire people to review the products they are selling. 

Although some sellers also hire or encourage their customers to write reviews on their profiles on several e-commerce platforms including Amazon, only a few sellers are doing this. 

You will be able to spot a fake product from the seller if he or she has a little review on their profile and has a lot of positive reviews on their products on Amazon. 

#4 Check the ‘Verified Purchase’ Tag

You will be able to spot fake products on Amazon if it does not have a verified purchase tag. 

This tag shows that the person actually bought the product, so anyone without the verified purchase tag doesn’t know anything about the product, and most of them get paid to write the review. 

#5. Reference To Competitor Products

A lot of sellers on Amazon and other retailers hire people to reference their products on their competitors’ reviews. 

I’m very sure you have come across this and it is not new, especially on Amazon, the buyers will be telling you to buy similar products from another seller on the e-commerce platform. 

This strategy works for some online shoppers because they believe they have bought and verify the product so they will go ahead to buy from the other sellers. 

If you come across this product reference or recommendation strategy avoid it and go for a better product on Amazon with new and original reviews.

#6. Lack Of Detail In Reviews 

This is very common and you should be smart enough to know that it is a fake review.

 Once you see a review that is less than 10 words with vulgar praises about the product you should know that it is not a real review for original buyers.

An average buyer will write at least 30 to 100 words to review any products they bought whether they are satisfied or not. 

Try as much as you can to avoid a product with vague praise of fewer than 10 words. 

#7. Generic Review Titles Like “Nice Product” Or Simply “Fantastic Product”

Avoid products with little or no detailed review, an average real buyer should be able to talk a bit about their experience with the product. 

When you see a review with no information about reviews titles or text like Nice product, incredible product, awesome product, fantastic product or other related words,

 then you should know that they are not genuine buyers so you need to avoid the product, so that you won’t end up wasting your money on fake products. 

# 8. Poor Grammar And Spelling Mistakes

Another popular method of spotting fake products on Amazon and other e-commerce stores is bad or poor grammar with spelling mistakes. 

Most of the individuals that are hired to write product reviews are not native English speakers and are not quite Educated. 

So they find it so difficult to write correct English. Aside from that, they have a lot of reviews to write for several products across several e-commerce stores. 

So they will be in a hurry so they can deliver as soon as possible and get paid for the job done. 

How To Spot Fake Amazon Reviews With Online Shopping Tool

How To Spot Fake Amazon Reviews With Online Shopping Tool

To get only original products on Amazon there is incredible software that is created for all shoppers on Amazon and other retailer’s stores to get high-quality products. is one of the most effective software that can help you to differentiate between fake and legit products on Amazon and other stores across the globe. 

This software is so simple to use, all you need to do is to copy and paste the product link into the available space on

Once you copy and paste the product link into the available space on, and then click on Go immediately you will be able to see the real product review, and then you will be able to make your decision from there whether to buy the product or not. 

Spot Fake Amazon Reviews With Online Shopping Tool
reviewmeta-amazon-review report has helped a lot of people, especially Amazon shoppers, to save millions of dollars they would have lost to fake products on the platform over the years and currently. 

It is completely free to use, although there is similar software that charges people to use their services

It’s completely free and it comes with an incredible feature that allows users to carry out the same service that is available on premium product reviewer checkers. was created to help online shoppers get high-quality products anytime and anywhere.

In Conclusion

Now you know how to spot fake products on Amazon and other retailers across the globe. 

What next is a quick solution to these fake product problems? 

Once you spot a fake product, you need to look for similar products so that you will be able to find original reviews from the product. 

Now compare both original and fake product reviews and you will be able to get the best review about the product. 

If you can’t locate the product on Amazon or other e-commerce stores, then you can check out several sources like their official website, Google, YouTube, and other available information on the internet.

Social media is also one of the most effective ways to get original reviews about any product you want to buy on Amazon or other e-commerce websites. 

After a few minutes of research, you will be able to locate the social media page for the product or brand and you will be able to see what their followers and previous customers are saying about the product on their social media pages.

If you can get positive results about the product, then you proceed to buy it, but make sure you are buying from a reliable store so that you won’t buy a fake version of the same product.

As a reliable store with a good reputation across the globe, Amazon claims it’s battling the scourge of fake reviews. 

According to Amazon, they are removing suspicious reviews frequently, and sellers who engage in bad practices, like offering gift cards in return for five-star reviews, are temporarily or permanently banned.

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