Ways For Retargeting: 5 Tips to Increase Sales

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

The numbers are formal: 97% of people who visit your site for the first time leave without buying anything. Why ? Not knowing your brand yet, not aware ways for Retargeting, or these users are reluctant to engage with you.

Other possibilities: they are cut off by an external event or want to do some more research before deciding.

Ways of Retargeting

However, whatever the reason for their abandonment , you are potential customers that you lose if you do not catch them.

To find these prospects and convert them into customers , discover 5 infallible retargeting tips which are offered at the best seo company in canada

Offer an Exceptional Offer

You have just started your business online? Think of the retargeting of all users who have visited your platform.

The goal is to capture the attention of these visitors: they will become your first customers and therefore your first ambassadors.

Make a second visit by offering an irresistible offer in your retargeting campaigns. For example, display a banner with a discount code, a gift certificate, or the promise of a gift for the first purchase.

If your site already has a solid reputation and records thousands of daily visits, this method is not for you. Read on to discover more adapted retargeting techniques!

Use Social Retargeting

Reconnect visitors to your website on social networks (they use!). Banners, commercials in their news-feed, videos … all means are good to attract the attention of Internet users while they entertain themselves on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or even Pinterest.

The advantage of this method is timing. Indeed, when they connect to social networks, users have time before them. Generally, they are laid back. They can view content, comment on it … and so come back to a site that offers products or services they need!

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However, do not forget this rule: retargeting is to remind the consumer what they have already seen on your platform. Avoid ads that are too generic and suggest that you go directly to the last pages viewed.

For an ever higher retargeting, tighten the mesh of the net with a more precise targeting. Do not just display your campaign to visitors to your site, but select people with real potential.

If a person only spends 5 seconds on your site, no need to retarget it. Obviously, you are not what she is looking for.

In order to launch profitable campaigns, prefer visitors who have viewed multiple pages without making a purchase.

You can even target only users who have added products to their cart, without finalizing the purchase.

Choose Your Keywords Carefully

A judicious selection of keywords is essential for effective retargeting on search engines. Think about your entire conversion tunnel: queries used by prospects looking for information to keywords typed by customers of your competitors.

The goal is to bust all of your visitors: leads who want information, those who have already restricted their list of potential partners and prospects who are not satisfied with their current product / service.

Segment Your Campaigns

This tip joins the two previous tips. The ads will be different depending on the advancement of the prospect in the funnel. You can not offer the same offer to a lead at the beginning of the journey as to a visitor who has filled his shopping cart.

Segment your retargeting campaigns according to the maturity of the prospect, as well as the pages consulted. The more personalized your ads are, the more likely they are to convert the visitor.

Also think about prioritizing your budgets. For a profitable retargeting campaign, give priority to the visitors closest to the conversion. That is, those who have added a product to their basket or wishlist.

Retargeting is your “second chance” to convert prospects who are interested in your products. Do not miss this opportunity.

On social networks, as on search engines, remind your target what caught his attention! Relevant keywords, predictive targeting, irresistible offer … leave nothing to chance to convince your visitors to finalize their conversion!

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