How To Spend Free Time Productively On The Internet When Bored!

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

We are blessed to live in a time when the internet is available in almost every place. 

Be it a café, an airport, a shopping mall, or a home, our devices are connected all through the day. 

Most of the public places are equipped with WiFi hotspots to provide seamless internet to the people. 

If you are a subscriber of spectrum internet español you will be able to access WiFi hotspots in different areas.

 That means you can access unlimited internet free of charge throughout the Spectrum out-of-home WiFi locations. 

Whether you are a remote worker, a freelancer, or an avid streamer, make sure to utilize this out-of-home WiFi to stay connected. 

When it comes to the internet, most people only use it for the purpose of entertainment.

Watching Netflix movies

 However, the world of the internet is full of opportunities and can help you develop your skills and take full advantage of the opportunities attached to it. 

In this post, we are going to reveal some of the productive ways to spend time on the internet. 

Don’t waste your time on activities that are of no use in the long run.

 Try to develop some skills and utilize the power of the internet.

 Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can do so. 

Internet is a Great Place to Learn Something Different

How To Spend Free Time Productively On The Internet

Learning never stops, no matter what your age is. 

Most of the students and professionals have utilized the power of the internet to improve their skills, learn something new, and grow their careers.

 You can also do it without paying a hefty fee.

 Most of the websites like Khan Academy, Coursera, and YouTube provide helpful material to learn different skills. 

For instance, if you want to learn a new language or want to implement new strategies in your digital marketing campaign, you can head to any of the websites.

 Platforms like Coursera also offer you certifications and degrees from some of the renowned universities around the world including Chicago University, MIT, IBM, Howard University, and many more. 

After you have completed your certification, you can simply display it on your portfolio or CV.

Start A YouTube Video and Channel 

Start A YouTube Video and Channel 

As we have mentioned earlier, the internet allows you to avail yourself of maximum opportunities without breaking the bank.

 If you are living paycheck to paycheck and want to generate a passive income at the end of each month, you can simply make a YouTube channel. 

Make sure to pick a topic that no one is targeting. 

For instance, if you are good at teaching photography skills or want to teach new grads how to give an interview, just get started.

 After gaining views and subscribers, you will be able to monetize your channel and start earning money by showing ads on your videos. 

Provide Services as a Freelancer 

Provide Services as a Freelancer 

Whether you are jobless or interested in growing your bank account, the internet is a place where you can turn things in your favor. 

For instance, you can provide different freelancing services in which you are skillful like developing a website, making a professional CV, graphic designing, video marketing, or anything else. 

Some of the best freelancing platforms include Upwork, Toptal, and Fiverr

All of them work differently, but offer you a great platform to portray your services. 

For instance, Upwork allows you to bid on projects posted by buyers online looking for some sort of service.

 While if you are interested in offering services on Fiverr, you will need to create a gig where different buyers will place an order and get your services.

 Recently Fiverr has also started an affiliate program, which allows you to promote services by a different seller and earn commission after someone orders through your affiliate link. 

Start an Affiliate Website 

Start an Affiliate Website

Making a website is not difficult anymore when CMS platforms like Blogger and WordPress are there to help you out. 

All you need to pay for is hosting and buying a domain. Once you have hosted your website, install WordPress and get started.

 Start writing product reviews and start promoting products from different websites like Amazon, Clickbank, and Share a Sale. 

But before diving straight into starting an affiliate website, you need to do proper keyword research, niche research, and competition. 

You can follow people like Brian Dean and Neil Patel to start your affiliate website from scratch.

 Learn to implement new SEO strategies, optimize your blog with keywords and start getting traffic.

 You can earn anywhere from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars, depending on the type of products you sell. 

Start an AdSense Website 

google AdSense auto Ads performance

Making money online is always trending on the internet. Starting your business instantly is only possible with the power of the internet. 

For instance, if you have a piece of in-depth knowledge about anything such as health and fitness, entrepreneurship, meditation, sports, or any other subject you can start writing blogs on that topic. 

Once you have written 40 to 50 pieces of content and published them on your blog, make sure to check the traffic. 

After getting a decent amount of traffic on your blog, you can monetize your website with Google AdSense. 

Once someone clicks on the ad, you will get money for it. 

Shop Smartly  

Shop Smartly  

In the busy routine, we all are short of time. 

Most people don’t even like to visit the shopping mall to get their new apparel and accessories. 

But the internet has made it easy to shop no matter what you need whether it be groceries, computers, laptops, headphones, supplements, or pet supplies. 

The benefit of shopping online is that you can compare the prices of different stores and shop from the one offering at a low price. 

Moreover, you don’t need to spend your time on the roads in between honking of horn and traffic.

 Everything is just a click away. But don’t expect to get the things delivered when you pay for them because it may take a week or a month to get to your doorstep. 

Summing Up

If you are wasting time on social media just posting your selfies or watching Netflix, you need to think again. 

Make sure to utilize the power of the internet to the fullest and grow yourself better than ever.

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