Pinterest Traffic Strategy: How To Drives 100k Monthly Page View Using Tailwinds Tools

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

  1. Do you want to learn how to take your monthly page views from 0 to 100k through Pinterest using tailwinds tools? Then this Pinterest Traffic Strategy is exactly what you need to get started.

Pinterest Traffic Strategy using Tailwind Tool

Pinterest is one of the largest social media platforms on the planet and for bloggers that means a huge source of traffic and of course, revenue. But getting lots of traffic from Pinterest is not as easy as getting traffic from Twitter, Facebook or Reddit.

In fact, there are hundreds of Pinterest Traffic Strategies on the internet buy many fall short.

This is usually because of the amount of stress involved in getting traffic from the social media platform. But with this strategy I am able to generated unique organic monthly search to my blog, for the purpose of credibility I am able take one of 2month old Pinterest account from 0 to 300k pages views using tailwind tools, here is link to the affiliate Marketing Pinterest account.

You’d have to manually pin your images and posts on the site which could be quite tedious if you have a lot of posts on your blog or you write a lot of posts in a day, or week.

Pinterest Traffic Strategy using Tailwind ToolLuckily, with tools like Tailwinds, you won’t have to do everything yourself. Though you could pin manually on Pinterest, no one really has that much time.

In this post, you’re going to learn how to get a huge number of readers to your site through Pinterest and I’m also going to talk about the Tailwind tools that you can use to make the whole process extremely easy.

5 Checklist Pinterest Traffic Strategy For Beginner

Before you can start using Tailwinds tool on your Pinterest account, you will have to set up your Pinterest account for success. This is because no matter how many times you pin, you will never get enough readers if you’re not doing it the right way.

So I’m going to walk you through the steps to take to set up your Pinterest account and boost your page views.

Pinterest Branding Strategy

Nowadays, branding has become a very powerful tool that bloggers and business owners use to attract more customers and keep old customers loyal. It is really simple.

If someone reads something important and helpful on your blog, they would be interested in doing so again if they see another article from your blog. Branding is the reason why you’re so interested in reading articles from Backlinko and Neil Patel because you’ve come to trust and bond with their contents.

On Pinterest, putting something as simple as your blog name or web address on your images is good branding. You can also try to make your designs similar to each other so that people can easily recognize your content when they see it.

Note: For all these to work, you need to have a well-designed blog and great content.

Pinterest SEO Strategy

SEO means Search Engine Optimization and it means setting up your blog to be found on search engines. You can do this by using the right keywords in your posts so they show up in Google Search results. In this case, you need to look for keywords that people are searching for and are related to your posts and add them to your pins.

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Your keyword could be short like “how to blog” or long and well-targeted like “how to blog on a budget”.

Also, attach the keywords of your blog to your Pinterest profile to improve your chances of ranking.

Get Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest Analytics is a tool that is only available for users with a Pinterest for Business account. If you don’t have one then you need to sign up immediately. This tool allows you to monitor your pins and make the right adjustments that will help you get more readers. By knowing which of your pins are working best, you can focus on writing more of that type of content and get more readers to your blog.

Pin Consistently

Always try to maintain consistency by making between 15 – 100 pins per day. You can pin as much as 80% of your content and the remaining 20% should be content belonging to other bloggers.

Other things to note are:

  • Enable Rich Pins to help you add more detail to your pin descriptions
  • Create only boards and content that appeals to your readers.
  • Join Pinterest group boards to gain access to more readers. You can search for Pinterest Group Boards on Facebook or find the most active Pinterest group boards through PinGroupie

How To Drives 100k Monthly Page View Using Tailwinds Tools

Tailwind is one of the best tools that helps you to use Pinterest to drive traffic to your website. Tailwind tools come with the following Pinterest Management features

Schedule Pins on Pinterest

Pinning consistently is one of the best ways to boost your traffic, but if you have a day job or you’re a student, you might not be able to keep up. Luckily, Tailwinds has a reliable Pinterest scheduler that allows you to reorder your pins and decide when you would like them to go live on Pinterest.

Try Tailwind Free

You can also save groups of boards in lists and pin to all the lists with a click of the button.

You can also monitor your pins and shuffle your pins to avoid repetitive content.

Pinterest Analytics & Reporting

pintrest traffic strategy get 100k page view using tailwind

If you can’t sign up for a Pinterest for Business account, you can as well rely on this Tailwind tool to give you updates on the performance of your pins. Through this tool, you will know which pins are performing well and easily recreate such contents.

Pinterest Monitoring & Trends

This tool helps you to stay ahead of the competition and boosts your following. With the tool, you should be able to identify industry trends that your readers are looking into and create content around them to get more traffic.

Wrapping Up Pinterest Traffic Strategy Checklist

To get a lot of traffic from Pinterest, you need to have really great content and be a very good designer. Tools like Tailwind App will help you drive more traffic by increasing your pace and helping you watch out for active content.

If you’re able to follow this simple Pinterest Traffic strategy, you should be able to increase your blog traffic to 100k page views using tailwinds tools.

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