Opera News Hub Review; Is Opera News hub Really Paying Their Publishers?

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

So you’ve heard about Opera News Hub and you’ve probably read online that they could pay you a lot of money for posting content online. But you’re not still sure if it’s true or if it’s just another scam to rip you off your time.

Opera News Hub Review

Well, if you’re still having doubts then this Opera News Hub Review is for you. In this review, I will cover the basics and reveal the truth about Opera News Hub and what they are really offering publishers that spend time creating content on their platform.

By the time you’re done with this article, you will know everything about opera news hub earning, their payment system, and every other thing you should know about the site.

Opera News Hub Review: Everything You Need to Know

Opera News Hub is a platform created by Opera Mini – one of the largest mobile and desktop browsers in the world. It is an open platform for people to create and consume content. For content creators, Opera News Hub is a great way to reach more people and gain more exposure.

Just like Google, the site makes use of keywords, metadata and behind-the-scene information provided by content creators to decide which content deserves to be seen by readers.

If you don’t know already, the Opera News app has more than 160 million monthly active users in Africa alone and it ranks as one of the most downloaded news apps in the world. This means you should be able to make a lot of money just by publishing content on the platform.

How Do I Become A Writer For Opera News

The first step to making money with Opera News Hub is to open an account.

Once you create an account with the platform, you can start writing and earning.

Below are steps on how to create an account with Opera News Hub.

  • Log on to the opera Mini site
  • On the homepage, click on the login/sign up button.

    Opera News Hub Review

  • You can either sign up through your Facebook account or through your Google Gmail account. For this review, I used Google Gmail account.

    Opera News Hub Review

  • On the next page, you will be asked to confirm your login account. Here you will have to choose your country.

    Opera News Hub Review

  • Next, you will have to provide your account information. You will have to choose a username, a content category (the category, you want to write on), upload your profile pic and write a little about yourself in the biography box. Click on “Confirm” to continue.

    Opera News Hub Review

  • On this page, you will have to fill in your author information. Type in your details in the spaces provided. To successfully register, you will need an active email address and phone number.
  • You will also need to have an Opay account or you won’t be able to receive payments.
  • Once done, you can start creating Content

How to Create Your First Content With Opera New Hub

Once you’ve signed up successfully, you will be able to log into your opera news hub dashboard. On the dashboard, you can check your earnings, article performance and manage your account.

posting content online

To create content, navigate to the sidebar on the left-hand side on your dashboard and click on “Create”.

You can now either copy and paste content from your editor or notepad or write the content from there. With Opera New Hub editor, you can add images, links, and headings to your content.

So that’s all you need to know on how to create an account with Opera News Hub and how to create your first article on the platform.

How Are My Earnings Calculated?

The main things that affect your earnings are the impressions and clicks on your articles. Opera News may also award you more points for high-quality content, in the sense that your content will be on display to most users thereby increasing your chances of earning.

Below is a breakdown of how you can make money on Opera News through clicks and impressions.

  • 1 click will get you a traffic bonus 0.036₦
  • 100 clicks will get traffic bonus 3.6₦
  • 1,000 clicks will get you traffic bonus 36₦
  • 10,000 clicks will get you traffic bonus 360₦

Opera News also offers content creators engagement bonuses. To qualify for this, your articles will need to have more than 100 engagements. For 1000 engagements you can earn as much as N1,800.

Additionally, you will also get paid for making comments and sharing posts from the platform.

To earn more on the platform, you should focus more on content that is already popular with the readers. You can go ahead to replicate those posts on your account. Furthermore, you should always check the performance of your content. You can post more content similar to your best-performing articles and earn more on the platform

Note: Opera News hub usually updates your earnings balance within 1-2 days after all your clicks, impressions, and engagements have been verified. In some cases, you may notice a delay. However, if you’re unable to see your updated earnings after 3 days, you should contact their support team

What If My Post Is Rejected?

Opera News hub allows you to post literally anything on their platform, but not everything will get approved. The site uses a review system to determine high-quality content for approval. This review system includes robots and human editors.

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If your post is rejected after review, it could be likely that it contains misleading titles, clickbait titles, vulgar content, advertisement, spelling and grammar mistakes or its low-quality content. Sometimes the post could be flagged for revision or be rejected outrightly.

If your post is rejected, you should either consider revising it or stop posting such content. This is because Opera News has strict rules against frequent offenders and would either reduce their Conduct Point score or ban their accounts.

How Can I Get More Reach?

Opera News utilizes an algorithm that picks only high-quality content out of all the submissions on the site. If you want to reach more people, you will not only have to make informative content, but you will also put in the right keywords and metadata so that it appears whenever readers search for it.

Also, Opera News frowns on content with grammar and spelling mistakes and if you have such in your article, it might not be approved or get any impressions and clicks from readers.

How Do I Get Paid On Opera News Hub?

Opera News Hub payment Proof To get paid on Opera News Hub, you will have to reach the minimum threshold of 5,000 Naira.

Once your total earnings reach the minimum threshold, you can click on Withdraw Earnings in your account dashboard to withdraw the cash. Opera News only allows you to withdraw on the 1st and 15th of each month.

When Will I Receive My Payments?

As said earlier, Opera News pays on the 1st and 15th of each month, however, you might get the cash in your account at a later time. Depending on your bank, you would end up receiving the money in about a week but the cash should appear in your Opay account as soon as it is transferred by Opera News.

How Does Opera News Pay?

Opera News pays you through Opay so you will need to have an Opay account before signing up on the platform. While signing up, you will be required to provide the details of your Opay account so that you can receive payment once you reach the minimum threshold.

How to link Opera News Hub to OPay account For Opera Hub Payment

If you don’t have an OPay account, you will have to create one before you can open an account with Opera Hub. When creating Opay Account you Fill in my event referral code to earn real money together➡➡➡ DPJY5GW

This is because Opera Hub will request for the details to your Opay account while you’re signing up and without those details, you can’t become a writer on the platform.

To link your Opay account to Opera News Hub, simply input your OPay account details in the space provided while signing up.

How to Earn More With Opera News Hub

If you want to earn with Opera News Hub, then you will have to avoid posting plagiarized or copyright content. Also, focus on writing and posting high-quality content that readers are already looking for and you should be able to get a lot of clicks, engagements, and impressions.

Additionally, you can focus on creating content around areas that you are familiar with. If you’re good at politics, create engaging articles on politics rather than health and fitness.

Lastly, you should always include the right keywords, metadata, and images for your content. Ensure you choose an article thumbnail that will stand out for all your posts so that you get more reach and engagement.

Wrapping Up Opera News Hub Review

That’s all on the Opera News hub. The platform is one of the few sites that actually pays its publishers and unlike other similar platforms, the pay is actually good. You can sign up on the Opera News Hub platform right now and start posting and earning.

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63 thoughts on “Opera News Hub Review; Is Opera News hub Really Paying Their Publishers?”

  1. Mista Cayfizzle

    Thank you. I found this article really helpful. I created my opera news account after reading this post. Started posting content and have so far gotten over 30k impression and around 5k clicks but my earnings are not being displayed on my dashboard. What do you think could be wrong.

  2. Hi there. Opay isn’t available in my country. I have already published several articles and have received over 60k clicks in total. I’m concerned about whether I will get paid or not. I included my Absa banking details. My currency is RANDS not naira. Not sure how this will affect payment… I really enjoy the way opera news hub works. I’m also really keen on publishing more articles.

    1. Recently opera hub news approval is getting more slower this days, so I think you should exercise patience, another issues that can make them not have approval you news ontime is maybe you opera news hub account is not in good condition you have alot rejected articles its advisable to create a new account thanks I have this replied has resolved your issue?

    1. Opera news hub is yet to integrate dashboard to see your earning you will only see your click, impressions and engagement… So you earning is been calculated based on you on total clicks, comments, and shares Mutiply by 0.036….

  3. I didn’t fill my ID and ID number while registering, will I still get paid. Secondly, how much is d minimum about Opera pays. Finally how much is for 100 engagement

  4. Opera News Hub is a huge waste of time. Their review system is unrealistic and annoying. Opera gives no press freedom, they reject posts for no good reason and term it “fake news” even when it’s obvious it isn’t. I just deleted my opera hub account. Let them keep their stipends.

    1. Hi Peter opera mini still remains the best…. You Need to study them very to make it work for you in term of news publishing, for example clickbait will be rejected automatically by their bot, and other term you need to learn before you can succeed on the platform

  5. Nsikak Clinton

    I don’t have TIN and am not up to 2 WK I have more than 100k click can I be get paid with my opay also i have more than 100 like in one article can I also earn a engagement bonus

    1. Hi Clinton,
      Thanks for dropping your comments,it’s very important to let you know that opera news hub is not requesting TIN before you will be paid….
      You are requested to link your Opay number to your opera news hub account to get paid directly to your Opay account thanks…. hope I have answered your questions?

  6. Pls,,,my monetization bar is not showing,,I started on the 23 of last month, when would I get paid,,or how..pls

  7. Opéra hub is a fraud. they reject excellent post for no reason. I am a witness. I think there is something wrong with their review system. I think they even have problem with English language. I don’t think they know what click bait is.

  8. Pls can I send my WhatsApp number to you or you should send your own to me, because I have a very big problem about my opera hub account

  9. Just created an account..but I can’t write an article yet because the account has been under review for two days now .. how many days more do I have to wait before the account will be reviewed and approved?

  10. Do I need to click withdraw before the money is been paid to my opay account or they just push the money direct to my opay account

  11. Timileyin James

    I am new to the content writing and I have publish 4 contents with around 120clicks and right now we on the 5th January, so will they pay me on the 15th? Or how many post do I need to publish before they pay me?

    1. Hi temileyin it’s not about how many content you publish, it’s just about how many clicks and Engagement you content get, the more click, share and Engagement your content get the more revenue you will get

  12. Please if you already have published articles that got you good clicks and your account gets banned, will you still be paid for the previous?

  13. I don’t know what’s wrong with my account. Anytime I post, I will be told that I have reached my daily limit and also showing account blocked/suspension. What does all that mean?, Please help me.

  14. Collins nyaega

    I have already published several articles and have received over 60k clicks in total but no payment on dashboard what is the reason?

  15. I created an account and I became a verified creator where I started writing immediately.Now my question is I filled all the details but my registration details differed from the number I gave out as a mode of payment to be used.Will I get my payments after correcting the details or I should not expect anything?

      1. Princess Jewel

        I noticed my account was suspended, when will they reactivate it? And will I be payed for the articles I have created so far?

  16. I registered with them and started publishing articles but they have rejected all those articles because they have grammatical errors and other minor issues but when I published those articles to other sites they were approved and they didn’t have any question with grammar mistakes. And when I read the articles of those people who write on their platform and their articles got approved, I can perceive so many grammatical errors and low quality contents which perhaps look to be more awful that what I had written but it was not approved. So personally I am skeptical with their content review system.

    1. You need figure out the main reason why your article is keeping disapproved, I will recommend that you used grammarly to create all the grammatical errors, it will give more chance of approval

  17. I have a challege whenever i post an article . My article is always rejected because i do not insert a thumbprint. Kindly explain to me the meaning of a thumbprint and where to insert it.

  18. Hello!

    I run a visual blog (Habit@Studio)- IG: @hatview where I research on topics, scout for guests and conduct interviews, plus, other posts segments I share every day after creating everything from scratch which is very tedious. My question is, hope I will receive payment for the engagement on my video posts because while reading online I saw something on video posts not being considered for payment on Opera News Hub? Kindly help to clarify this.

    Thanks in anticipation.

    Best regards.

  19. If I choose to be writing on sports, can I still write about politics or any other news apart from a

  20. I posted 7 articles only 1 is being publish while the rest are being rejected.They keep on saying” your article was rejected due to wrong grammaticals and spellings errors”in the content . I really need help oh

  21. I have tried to delete some articles in the draft but they are not deleting.. how can I delete articles in the draft that I don’t need again

  22. Chibuzor Delight

    Good morning
    Please help me, for the past 6 days I’ve been trying to submit my content but whenever I do it always says’ you’ve reached your daily limit’, for the past 6days now
    Please help am just a beginner.

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