5 Instagram Post Ideas For Business to Create Instagram Content That Converts (Trick & Tips)

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

If you are running a business or you are just generally using Instagram to post content and share ideas.

 But still, you are wondering why your posts are not getting enough reach and people are not engaging in your posts.

It’s surprising that most businesses don’t even take care of their social handles or pay enough attention to the details. 

They just keep on posting things and adding content with consistency without any change. 

What they don’t know is that it needs some work, dedication, and time to make your Instagram profile stand out from the crowd.

Because just like every other thing your social media handles also need to get updated to get better results and changes are made to make them valuable. 

The Psychology Behind Social Media Growth & Engagement


You have to set goals and apply marketing strategies to achieve success on social media. 

It doesn’t matter if you are an influencer that wants to get more reach or if you are running a business with the urge to sell your products. 

You have to create amazing and interactive Instagram content that will urge your followers and other Instagram users to move toward you. 

Not only for engagement but to make content conversions so that they can buy your products or services.

 Instagram has evolved much, it has gained billions of active users and the amount is increasing day by day. 

Almost 90% of them use the app on a daily basis and 70% of them are looking for new products or inventions on the platform. 

Is Instagram Really Good and Necessary for Small Businesses? 

5 Instagram Post Ideas to Create Instagram Content That Converts

Still, if you have not started using the platform, it has all the amazing features to gain more engagement and customers for your business. You are getting it all wrong.

That means you have to apply strategies according to the type of content that you create. No one likes you repeatedly seeing your content again and again. 

For example, if you are running a business and continuously forcing users to buy your products without any changes in your content.

 This method won’t work and your followers will get bored with you.

 To drive traffic on Instagram and other social media platforms you have to bring some innovative changes to your content.

 Even if you buy Instagram followers this wouldn’t work until you create unique content.  

Thinking out of the box will not only be beneficial for your sales but this will also increase your value in front of brands and Instagram will also give value to such users. 

You must make a lasting connection with your followers and make a positive relationship with them. 

Keeping a good relationship with your followers and producing according to their interests will benefit you in the long term.

 Brands that make good connections with their followers have currently high performance. 

To understand all such strategies you have to go through some examples of the content that converts. 

Below are the examples for you:

Using Video to Express Your Content

You must have noticed that while using Instagram you interact with the detailing videos, no matter if it’s for fun or to help you explain a process. 

If you are running a business or just an influencer on Instagram, creating your content in the form of videos will be helpful to your audience. 

Because to give your reviews on a certain product or to explain your product to others. 

You wouldn’t find any better way than video. 

To educate your customers and to help them know the product better you must record a video.

 Trying products and giving results live on a video will make your customers remain engaged. 

They would love to hear your thoughts and reviews on that particular product. 

Recording and capturing reactions on the camera would be a fun and engaging process.

 No matter if it’s a cosmetics product, technology item, or any other thing.

 Testing the product in front of your followers for the first time will help them to have the best idea about it.

You might have seen several influencers already using this method to promote the products of brands and review different items. 

To explain to them all, the methods, how to use them, and how great their results are.

Don’t miss this; How To Grow 0 To 10,000 Instagram Followers Fast! (IT REALLY WORKS) 

Educational Content

To keep your audience engaged you need to pay attention to the interests of your followers.

 Focus on the issues of your followers, their needs and what sort of solution will work better for them. 

Create educational content that is authentic and will work best for them. “Content is the King

Most Instagram users like to watch how-to tips and tricks videos or quick tutorials that don’t consume enough time and money. 

Before sharing educational content make sure to check the authenticity of the content or the product you’re promoting. 

Otherwise, your followers wouldn’t believe you if the results are not according to the given content.

Before and After Instagram Posts Content Ideas For business

You wouldn’t believe it, but ‘Before and After” videos are the best way to drive organic traffic, especially if it’s a video. 

Videos that contain transforming content with short lengths are engaging for Instagram users.

 You must have seen several transition videos of makeup influencers with different styles or home décor videos that magically turn a boring room into an attractive one. 

For example, if you are running a paint company and converting your house using different paints. 

You are not only showing results but you are also giving them a real-life example from different clients’ work.

Related Post; Visual Content To Boost Your SEO Rankings – Ultimate Beginners Guide

Asking From Followers Instagram Posts Content Ideas For business

Asking From Followers

Most companies use this unique style to sell their products. 

They create polls in the stories regarding ‘yes or no’ or ‘This or That’ among others like these. 

If you are selling a product you need to understand the interest of your customers. 

To do so asking for people in Instagram stories would be a great idea. Or look for an Instagram profile search to understand the type of followers.  

This type of content is highly effective, takes less time to prepare and users love to engage in it.

Storytelling Instagram Posts Content Ideas For business

Storytelling Instagram Content Ideas

Make a good connection with your followers, and tell them about your personal experience. 

Ask them about their experience and thoughts. 

Explain what obstacles they have to face and what needs to be done to overcome them. 

This will help you to become comfortable with your audience and they would love to engage in your posts.


Hope these ideas will spice up your content and you’ll be able to get more engagement, this will help you to generate more sales.

 These key elements will play an important role to make your content that converts. 

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