5 Untold Secrets Reasons for Google Plus Shutdowns in 2019

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Last Updated on 1 year by Komolafe Bamidele

Google+ is one of Google’s popular social networks, been in existence for several years with huge numbers of users but it’s very unfortunate,

Google announced that they will be Shutting Down Google Plus and sunsetting the consumer version of Google+ and its APIs because of the significant challenges involved in maintaining a successful product that meets consumers’ expectations, as well as the platform’s low usage.

And more importantly, due to the disclosure of severe data leaks caused by most recent hacker attacks.

Even before the most recent hacker attacks, The Wall Street Journal reported (The Wall Street Journal reported) on Monday have confirmed that data of hundreds of thousands of Google+ users had been left exposed over three years, from 2015 to this March.

Not only that, but Google decided against informing the public about the vulnerability.

Consequently, Google has made several changes to APIs and is winding down general access to third-party party apps.

Why Google Plus is Shutdowns in 2019

Although the hacker activity does not have any effect or compromised third-party Google systems, perhaps Google has no evidence that the app developers that inadvertently had this access for six days were aware of it or misused it in any

According to the Google publication of notification of the fixing and closure of the Google+ social media network, Google’s popular products they established:

“With the discovery of this new bug, we have decided to expedite the shutdown of all Google+ APIs; this will occur within the next 90 days.

In addition, we have also decided to accelerate the sunsetting of consumer Google+ from August 2019 to April 2019. While we recognize there are implications for developers, we want to ensure the protection of our users.”

What will the possible consequences or user reactions For Google Shutting Down Google Plus?

Most users and developers are very surprised and disappointed with the inability of Google company to fully fixed the bugs and restore the product.

According to CNBC, research reports Its complied that most loyal fans are mourning the shutting down Google+ Social network.

Google Shutting Down Google Plus
  • When John Lewis Costa Rican freelance writer who has spent nearly eight years living in an isolated heard that Google+ was shutting down after the discovery of a security bug that left private profile data exposed, it felt like a crushing blow — even though he could see it coming.
  • Another fan views Google Action as a mere Excuse He said the company is using its recently revealed security breach as an excuse to shutter the site.
  • It’s not quite long after Google announced it’s shutting down its Allo messaging app for good. Google is known for its collection of wildly popular products, from Search to Maps to Android.
  • But not everything the company touches turns into gold. Google Glass was supposed to change the world, but it quickly became a punch line. And remember Google Buzz? Now, Google is killing off yet another messaging app, Google Allo.
  • The smart chat app never gained the “traction” Google was hoping for, and it will be sunset in March 2019. Of course, the best innovations are the ones that everybody thinks are doomed to fail, so it makes sense that Google has had its fair share of misses over the years.
  • Still, we counted at least 19 products that have ended up in the Google graveyard (but there are probably more – let us know if we’re missing anything).
  • Also, CNBC recorded the eulogy of Google+ user, Diane Cleverley, a co-founder of Pluspora and a medical writer, who said Google Plus filled a gap in her social life and created something that feels like an extended family. She’s met artists and scientists and hosted internet friends in real life.

In conclusion, Even though this Google action may affect their loyal fans but it’s important to understand that the company have terms and conditions, and privacy policy that have to be their guiding principles for their operation, I think their actions should be a rethink and reconsidered.

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Google Shutting Down Google Plus is for the protection and Security of their loyal users.

Thus oncoming 2019 will witness this discontinuous of using different Google products by the third-party apps such as WordPress plugin, Android apps and Website that grant access to the user via API.

But in the google reassured to provide a good product for their respective user Google said ;

“We understand that our ability to build reliable products that protect your data drives user trust.

We have always taken this seriously, and we continue to invest in our privacy programs to refine internal privacy review processes, create powerful data controls, and engage with users, researchers, and policymakers to get their feedback and improve our programs. We will never stop our work to build privacy protections that work for everyone.”

I hope you are able to understand the factors and reason behind Google Shutting Down Google Plus

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