How to Get Started with Mobile Exit-Intent on OptinMonster

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

Desktop Exit-Intent technology may have been available for some time, but, the use of mobile phones has seen a very sharp increase that having a mobile version of this feature a must.

Not surprisingly, most smartphone users (about 80%) use their mobile devices to make purchases. For every web owner, this is a traffic and sales goldmine.

Unfortunately, not every visitor that visits your site via their mobile browser will make a purchase. More so, not every visitor that starts a purchase will reach the checkout page or pay for the product.

Mobile Exit Intent

To solve these problems, most site owners use tools like abandonment cart emails which are very effective, but they only work when the user opens their email.

With OptinMonster’s mobile exit-intent feature you won’t have to wait that long.

What is Exit-Intent Technology And How Does Exit-Intent Technology Work?

Exit-Intent technology tracks and monitors the movement of a visitor on a website. It detects when they’re going to leave the site without making a purchase or signing up to your email list

How Exit-Intent Works On Mobile Devices

Mobile Exit-Intent is simply Exit-Intent on display on mobile devices. When a visitor visits your site via their mobile device, the technology tracks the visitor’s behavior and if they perform certain actions before leaving the site (not making a purchase), they will be shown a popup with a marketing message that should help you get their email address and add them to your email list.

With this feature, you can reduce shopping cart abandonment by including the right campaigns. When a visitor leaves their cart without completing the purchase, you can send them targeted marketing messages like

  • An invitation to chat with a customer support representative
  • A discount offer to encourage an immediate purchase
  • An invitation to download your ebook or file (lead magnet) by joining your email list

While the examples above would work for eCommerce platforms, it is not best for other site owners outside the eCommerce niche. For other site owners, the following examples below would be more appropriate.

  • Download a free ebook
  • Sign up for a free product trial (no credit card required)
  • Book a free consultation call
  • Download a free case study
  • Sign up for your webinar

These messages will pop up when triggered. OptinMonster’s mobile exit-intent feature uses two main triggers to decide when the marketing message will pop up.

Back Button Trigger

When a user presses the back button, they could be on their way to the previous website before they stumbled upon yours. There are very high chances that they would never visit your site again.

At that moment, you would have to either do something to retain them or let them go and never return.

With the OptinMonster mobile exit-intent feature, pressing the back button will trigger a popup that contains your marketing message that should encourage the user to stick around and make a purchase or to join your email list.

When setting up mobile exit-intent, you should avoid triggering the popup when the user presses the back button to go to the previous page of your website.

Instead, it should be triggered only when the user wants to exit your website and didn’t drop their email address or make a purchase.

Scrolling Up Trigger

Whenever users visit a site and scroll down on their mobile devices, the address bar at the top disappears.

To visit another site, they would have to scroll up to the address bar to type in the URL of that site. Scrolling up is a trigger that alerts the mobile exit-intent feature that the user is on their way out of your site.

When they get to the top, a popup containing your marketing message will be displayed.

How to Get Started with Mobile Exit Intent on OptinMonster

To get started with mobile exit-intent, you would have to first connect your WordPress site to OptinMonster.

Step 1: Create an OptinMonster Account

Download OptinMonster plugin

Visit the OptinMonster official website. When the homepage loads, click “Get
Optinmonster Now” to sign up.

Optinmonster pricing

On the next page, you will be asked to choose from one of the four pricing plans. Since you want to use the Exit-intent feature, pick the Pro Plan.

With that, you will be taken to the money-back guarantee page. Read the terms and conditions before paying for any of their pricing plans.

Optinmonster Mobile Exit-Intent

After that, the account creation form will open. Fill in your personal details and then select your payment method. You would also have to confirm the email address you used in opening the account to complete the account creation process.

Step 2. Connect WordPress Website With OptinMonster

WordPress Website With Optinmonster

Open your WordPress admin area and search for the OptinMonster plugin. Install the plugin and activate it to connect with WordPress.

WordPress Website With OptinMonster

Once installed, the OptinMonster welcome page will pop up. On the welcome page, click on “Connect Your Account” to connect your OptinMonster account with your WordPress site.

Optinmonster Mobile Exit Intent

Once connected, you would have to click on the “Authorize OptinMonster” and then log in to your OptinMonster account.

Optinmonster Mobile Exit Intent

After that, click on “Connect To WordPress” to complete the connection process

Step 3: Activate Exit-Intent For Mobile Devices

Activate Exit-Intent For Mobile Devices

Once connected, you will have to activate exit-intent for mobile devices. To do this, you would have to first create a Campaign (the marketing message that will pop up). When created click on “Display Rules” in the menu tab and choose the Exit Intent Sensitivity.

Trigger Campaign on Scroll Up

Trigger Campaign on Scroll Up

To trigger the campaign on scrolling up, you can set the Exit Intent Sensitivity to either low or medium.

Trigger Campaign on Pressing Back Button

Optinmonster Trigger Campaign

To trigger the campaign on pressing the back button, you can set the Exit Intent Sensitivity to High.

How To Create A Campaign With OptinMonster

Campaign With OptinMonster

To create a campaign for mobile exit intent, click on “Create New Campaign” on the right side of the screen.

Then, you will be asked to enter the name of the campaign and choose the website on which you want to run the campaign. After that, click on “Start Building” to choose your campaign type.

There are five campaign types to choose from including

  • Popup
  • Floating Bar
  • Fullscreen
  • Inline
  • Slide-in

If you select the Popup campaign type, you will be shown a couple of pre-built templates. Select the one that is the best fit for your site.

Mobile Exit-Intent template

On the left-hand side of the screen, select a mobile-optimized template.

mobile-optimized template

You can easily edit your template with the tons of features provided by OptinMonster. Once you’re done editing, click on the “Save” button, and then submit your campaign.

Once you’re done saving, click on “Display
Rules” and follow the guide above on how to set mobile exit-intent for your campaigns

Bonus Offer: 30% Off OptinMonster Plugin Sale

The OptinMonster pro plan costs a whopping $29 per month but if you’re lucky you can get a 30% off discount on the plugin. Note that this promo is only valid from Tuesday, May 12, 2020, to Tuesday, May 19, 2020.

How To Get This Bonus Offer

To get the 30% Off OptinMonster plugin sale, you will have to use the promo code “KIDS” when paying for the pro plan. Remember that this code is only valid until May 19, 2020.

How Each Sale Helps Provide For Children in Need

OptinMonster hopes to use the funds gotten from the week-long promo sale to provide funds for a charity organization known as “No Kid Hungry

No Kid Hungry is a child hunger relief program that hopes to not only ensure that children are fed, but also well-fed with the right meals. The organization provides school breakfasts, summer meals, after-school meals, research, food skills education, and advocacy for children in the US.

Get OptinMonster NOW!

The organization is able to provide 100 meals with every $10 donated.

What’s More To Expect From OptinMonster Mobile Exit-Intent Technology?

The Display Rules section is where all the mobile exit-intent magic happens, however, there is more you can do with this tool than to simply set up the Exit-Intent sensitivity for your campaign.

Exit-Intent sensitivity

To help you read your visitors better and target your campaigns more accurately, OptinMonster introduced several sections in this tool. These sections include

  • Time on Page: Show campaign when the visitor has viewed your page for a specific period of time.
  • Exit Intent: Show campaign when the visitor tries to leave your site.
  • New Visitor: Show campaign when the visitor is new to your site
  • MonsterLink (On Click): Show campaign when the visitor clicks a link, button, or image
  • Page Targeting: Show campaign when the visitor is browsing specific pages on your site
  • Physical Location: Show campaign when the visitor is from a specific geographic location
  • Returning Visitor: Show campaign when the visitor is returning to your site
  • Referral Source: Show campaign when the visitor comes from a specific traffic source.


OptinMonster is a leading WordPress plugin and with the inclusion of its Mobile Exit-intent feature, it becomes even better.

OptinMonster’s pricing plans may be too high for the average site owner, but with this discount offer, you could own the plugin for a year at almost half the price. Considering the features the plugin has to offer, you can agree that OptinMonster is a must-have plugin on any website.

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