How To Get 200,000 TikTok Followers in 3 Months – 2022 TikTok Algorithm

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

Do you want to grow your TikTok account from 0 to 200,000 within three months? If YES,

 Then this informative article is for you because I’m going to solve your problem by explaining how you can successfully grow your TikTok account from 0 to 200,000 within 3 months. 

This method worked perfectly well. It will follow all the instructions in this article. 

How Much Can You Make with 200,000 Followers On TikTok?

How Much Can You Make with 200,000 Followers On TikTok?

Currently, TikTok is not paying everyone directly, regardless of how many followers you have. Payment is restricted to specific first-tier countries 

 But TikTok influencers can make money by getting gifts from their followers. 

The majority of TikTok influencers make their money from partnerships, video sponsorship, and more.

 You need to partner with brands and businesses that are related to your niche. 

That is how you can make money with over 200,000 followers on TikTok. Although, you can still make a small amount of money if you go live and your followers are sending you a gift. 

Tips that help to Gain 200K TikTok Followers In 3 Months 

Gain 200K TikTok Followers In 3 Months 

If you want to grow your TikTok account from 0 followers to 200,000 followers within 3 months, then you need to follow the instructions below so that you will be able to do it successfully. 

Even in less than three months, if you do it perfectly well, this method has worked for a lot of people, and it can also work perfectly well for you.

#1. Understand your Niche and Your Talents

Understand your Niche and Your Talents

It is very important to know your niche before you begin the process of growing your TikTok account. 

A lot of people are struggling to grow their TikTok account currently because they don’t have a certain niche.

 Don’t be like other TikToker, you need to choose your niche even before you create your TikTok account, this will allow you to choose or pick the best name for your TikTok account.

Choosing the right username, especially the one that is related to your niche, is one of the best decisions you can ever make in this process of growing your TikTok account from 0 to 200,000 within 3 months. 

Investing your time to understand your niche will help you to be successful, not just to grow your TikTok account only. 

But make you one of the most successful influencers because you have already understood your niche and you will be doing the right thing that will explode your TikTok account in a short or long time. 

#2. Plan Your Strategy 

Plan Your Strategy 

It is very important to plan before you begin to do anything if you want to be successful today when doing new things. 

You need to put a lot of things in place if you want to successfully grow your TikTok account from 0 followers to 200,000 followers within 3 months.

You need to plan your time, money, and strategies. It is very important to do this before you begin the process so that you will successfully grow your account and make your target within the targeted period. 

#3. Regular Posting

Regular Posting

You can’t grow your TikTok account if you don’t have content to promote. 

You need to invest in content creation because it is the major and most important thing you need to put in place if you want to viral your TikTok account within a short time.

Make sure you post regular content on your TikTok account if you want to grow your TiK ToK account fast.

4. Mass High-Quality Content Production. 

Mass High-Quality Content Production. 

I’m very sure you now know that content is very important “content is the king” on your way to growing your TikTok account within a short time. 

It is very important to create high-quality content because that is exactly what TikTok and other social media users want to see.

One of the major differences between TikTok influencers and those who are struggling to get their TikTok account is content quality. 

Don’t post anyhow content on your TikTok account because it won’t be helpful, always invest in high-quality content because it will go a long way to make you a successful TikTok influencer within a short time. 

#5. Read and Get your Next Content Idea from the Comment Section 

Read and Get your Next Content Idea from the Comment Section 

The best and most effective method to get more users and engagement is to go through the comment section where you read all your followers’ comments on videos. 

You will be able to get a lot of ideas from their comments.

 Now you need to start creating content on these ideas. This strategy works perfectly and it will increase your followers’ engagement because your followers will know how important they are to you. 

In some cases, you can ask your followers the kind of content they are expecting from you. 

#6. Stick with Your Niche

You can’t be a successful influencer by jumping from one niche to the other. 

Focus on one niche, that is why it is very important to do proper research and planning before you start any niche. 

You can’t grow your TikTok account fast if you change from one niche to the other. 

For instance, if one of your videos goes viral can you recreate such content? It is easier to become a successful TikTok influencer if you focus on one niche because people will immediately recognize you based on your niche. 

#7. Find the Best Day for your TikTok Audience Engagement

DaysBest time to Post
Monday6 AM, 10 AM, 10 PM
Tuesday 2 AM, 9 AM, 4 AM
Wednesday 7 AM, 8 AM, 11 AM
Thursday 12 AM, 9 AM, 7 PM
Friday 5 AM, 1 AM, 3 PM
Saturday 11 AM, 7 PM, 8 PM
Sunday 7 AM, 8 AM, 4 PM

It is very important to post your video content at the right time so that your TikTok followers will get it immediately when they open their TikTok mobile application. 

If you check your TikTok profile, you will be able to see when your followers engage most with your content. 

Make sure to post during this moment because they will be able to see it immediately after you post then continue to engage with your content by viewing, liking, and commenting. 

#8. Consistency is key


You can’t  achieve anything tangible without consistency, you need to invest your time, your energy, and whatever it takes to succeed as a TiK ToK influencer, 

regardless of the challenges in the process of growing your TikTok account, you need to keep pressing on. 

A lot of TikTok influencers that you know today start from somewhere, you can’t grow your TikTok account to 200,000 followers in a day or one week, it won’t happen as magic, it will happen after days or weeks of hard work.

Sometimes you won’t get your desired result after putting in long hours of hard work in creating TiK ToK video, 

Being consistent is what you need at the moment, So keep doing it even if you are not happy with the outcome at first. 

Investing your energy in day-to-day improvement will bring good results that will make you happy in the long run. 

#9. Promote your TiK ToK Account

Promotion is very important if you want to go viral on the internet, especially on digital platforms like TikTok.

You can promote your TikTok account on several platforms including TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and other digital platforms. 

You can make use of any of the social media influencers in your niche, it is essential to do this if you want to go viral within a short time. 

It is also important to invest enough money when it comes to promoting your TikTok account. 

#10. Do Regular Giveaway

Do Regular Giveaway

Regular giveaways are one of the indirect methods of promoting your TikTok account. 

There are numerous internet users that are looking for daily giveaways. I’m very sure you have followed anyone on social media because he or she promises to give away money or gift cards. 

You can start any competition that will help to grow your TikTok account, giving your followers cash or any other things that are valuable will encourage them to follow and share your TikTok account.

Why Buying TikTok Followers Might Affect Your Success? 

Buying TikTok followers is not 100% legal. Your account may be banned if TikTok discovers that you are buying followers. 

Try as much as you can to avoid buying TikTok followers because it is a waste of time. 

You won’t get a return on your investment because those who are paid to follow your TikTok account are not interested in your video or niche so they won’t react to your TikTok content. 

Why Buying TikTok Followers Might Affect Your Success?

A lot of the TikTok users that are paid to follow your account end up unfollowing you after a few months of following.  

Getting thousands of followers does matter, what you need is their engagement. Imagine having over 300,000 followers and getting less than 1,000 likes and 20 comments on your TikTok. 

No business or brand will reach out to you for partnership or sponsorship if you have little or no follower engagement on your TiK ToK account. 

In Conclusion

Now you know what it takes to grow your TikTok account from zero followers to 200,000 followers within 3 months. 

It is possible because a lot of people have done this before and the strategy is still working perfectly and effectively so it is possible for you. 

If you invest whatever it takes to successfully do it. 

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