Entrepreneur Mind; Top 10 Secrets employer did not tell you about Retirement.

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

The Difference Between Entrepreneur and Employee

Employees have to perform tasks according their respective job profiles. Irrespective of their interest, they are forced to work in an alien environment.

Entrepreneurs are not specialist. As they have to lead the group from the front, they perform general tasks.


Every Employee should Strive to become successful entrepreneur means more than starting new ventures every other day.

It means the right attitude towards a business and the determination and grit to achieve success. …

A successful entrepreneur always has a strong sense of self confidence and a healthy opinion of their skills and abilities.

Entrepreneur vs Employees Comparison

1. one day you will retire. You won’t be going to work. You won’t have office power any more. No influence or at best, a reduced influence.

Your cash flow will also reduce.!

Check retirement date on your payslip.

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2. Always go for your 30days annual leave: Whatever you do during your leave, is what you will be doing when you retire. If all you do is to sleep or watch TV, then that’s what you are likely do do in your retirement. Remember the book of Proverbs.

A little sleep and a little slumber, so shall your poverty multiply.

Watching Big Brother Naija will not save you heartache in retirement. Learn a trade or a skill during your leave. It will come handy.

Spend your after-office hours learning something. Don’t spend it sleeping, Gossiping, watching TV!! Same goes for your weekend.

Make them productive. You will thank yourself for spending your time productively.

3. Invest for your retirement : your children are not retirement investment. Don’t bank on your children’s support or the support of friends or relations. That’s a BIG risk. It may not happen. Be ready to take care of yourself!! Everyone has his own responsibilities.

They won’t be able to help you that much. You will also lose your dignity and respect if you adopt a life of begging.

4. Start a hobby, early in your working days to take you along when you retire. Rearing chicken, farming or own a shop. Acquire marketable skills ( not useless paper certificates) Etc

5. Where shall you retire. Build yourself a home. Don’t retire and start to rent a house or refuse to vacate government house. You will be at the mercy of your landlord at a time when your cash flow is not only reduced but unpredictable!!

6. Who shall be your dependants. By the time you retire, your children should be above 18, and self reliant.

7. Don’t retire and stay in a big city. unless you can TRULY afford it. You can’t continue living in a big city after 60 with limited financial resources. The language and the hustle will be hard for you. Where possible, Relocate to a less expensive town where your reduced take home (pension) can go further.

8. Have property which can be rented or converted into cash: Have shares that pay good dividends. Plant cash trees. Rear goats, cultivate vegetables etc. these activities will not only give you income but will also keep you healthy.

9. Live a simple life. If you never built a house at your rural home, dont use your retirement package to build. It is unwise unless you plan to live there on a permanent basis or you are super rich and therefore can afford the luxury. The choice is yours.

Note that many of retirees die early because of the following:

They are Not mentally prepared to retire.
Lack of finances.
They Lapse into Depression.
They develop Hypertension/ Diabetes because of worries, anxiety and. uncertainty “and financial pressures.

Your Desk At Your Work Place Is Not Permanent . Plan For Your Retirement.

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