How To Convert Gift Cards To Bitcoin On Paxful

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

It is 2018 and Bitcoin is nine years of age now. In the year 2010 to 2011, it wasn’t as simple to convert gift cards to bitcoin, however, things have changed. You can seat in your comfort zone and perform any transaction of your choice.

In recent times, you have a variety of options to convert gift card to bitcoin on paxful without the aid of financial institutions. More recently Coincola has join the race of converting any gift card with easy and low cost

Convert gift card bitcoin

The main five methods you get bitcoin:

  • Purchasing Bitcoin for money
  • Purchasing Bitcoin from ATMs
  • Purchasing Bitcoin from trades by means of wire exchange
  • Purchasing Bitcoin utilizing prepaid cards, charge/MasterCard
  • Purchasing Bitcoin utilizing gift vouchers

You see there are a few different ways through which one can buy Bitcoin however among these, the last alternative of purchasing Bitcoin is generally obscure to many.

Numerous buyers of Bitcoin stay ignorant about this road notwithstanding when they have iTunes gift. Vouchers that they are not utilizing.

That is the reason it is fundamental to talk about this road as well.

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What’s more, this technique can likewise be utilized during the days when trades get over-burden and suspend new enlistments.


Paxful is what might be compared to eBay for Bitcoin. It is a distributed commercial center for purchasing and offering Bitcoin-based services, it operates within and outside of New York City.

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Also, it has more than 300 payment gateways including selling and buying of iTunes gift vouchers. In other words, it is a medium to convert gift card to bitcoin on paxful exchange platform.

Convert gift card bitcoin

The following are the two top reasons why you must use paxful to convert gift card to bitcoin:

Cheap Fees

The fee payable by Seller is minimal compare to other exchange platforms. The fee is only 1% to Paxful, the purchaser pays to a merchant for changing over gift vouchers to BTC. There is no geographical restriction, all nations are supported.

Fast Trade Volume

The volume of trade is still kind of low on this exchange, but still, you can simply convert gift card to bitcoin on Paxful without stress. To ensure you make use of an exceptionally trustworthy buyer for any of your transactions.

Methods To Convert Gift Cards To Bitcoin On Paxful

Indeed, the method of converting gift card to bitcoin is so seldom at this time and age. With the growth in technology, it becomes imperative to note the various avenues to convert gift card to bitcoin on paxful. There are two methods to convert gift card to bitcoin on paxful which are:

Through exchange Of Gift Card To Bitcoin:

This implies the process by which you exchange your gift card for bitcoin. For instance if you have $50 worth of gift card, you can exchange it to bitcoin at the rate of $40 to $45 worth of bitcoin.

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This method remains one of the easiest and fastest ways to convert gift card to bitcoin on paxful. You may want to try this method.

Through Selling Of Gift Card To Bitcoin:

This method is a dual process. To convert gift card to bitcoin on paxful you need to sell your gift card to cash which is the first process, and later use the cash to purchase bitcoin. Simply put, you have $100 worth of gift card, and you need bitcoin, all you need do is to sell the convert the gift card to money and use the same money to buy bitcoin on paxful.

Convert gift card bitcoin

The aforementioned two methods are the best ways you can easily convert gift card to bitcoin on paxful without getting hurt. Presently you realize that you have choices to convert gift card to bitcoin on Paxful. As we know, cryptosphere is developing significantly on a daily bases. As time goes on, you can expect much more services like this.

Final Note On Conversion Of Gift Cards To Bitcoin

Additionally, for the time being, in the event that you don’t like the aforementioned methods to convert gift card to bitcoin, you might as well sell it to individuals with PayPal money. But be rest assured that whichever means you choose to convert gift card to bitcoin in paxful is safe and reliable.

hope you don’t miss our Gift Cards at Target Posts

Always ensure you look for a reliable buyer that is, some that have a good buy track record on the platform to transact business with.

If you have a need for any inquiries and questions pertaining to how to convert gift card to bitcoin on paxful or any other related topics. Do ensure you use the contact Email or Facebook account to reach out to the owner of this blog.

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