Last Minute Best Gift Card Presentation Ideas for Christmas

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

How do you package an Amazon or Visa gift card you want to gift a friend or family member so that you get the most surprising looks from them? Actually we take our time to review Christmas Gift card presentation ideas for you.

Well, there are so many ways you can do that and I’ll show you some of the most interesting gift card presentation ideas for Christmas.

Gift cards are really small, and this makes it difficult for you to use your normal gift wrapping ideas.

Christmas Gift card presentation ideas

If you’re one of those people finding it difficult to come up with the perfect gift card wrapping ideas, then this article is just for you.

In this article, you will find many gift card display ideas that work for all types of gift cards.

You will also find creative ways to gift multiple gift cards.

Paper Envelope Gift Card Holder

Rather than gifting your gift card in a normal brown envelope, you could get creative and get a patterned envelope that will make your gift look special.

The paper envelope is one of the best gift card display ideas because you can do it on your own and it won’t cost you much to get the necessary materials.

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Paper Envelope Gift Card Holders also make the gift more special. When partner or friend considers the hardwork you’ve put into wrapping the gift and the gift card itself, they’ll have no other option than to genuinely appreciate your efforts.

To make your own Paper Envelope Gift Card Holder, you can either craft paper into an envelope or decorate a patterned envelope.

Whichever option you go for, you should consider including note to your partner or friend along with the gift card.

Gift Card Insert Envelope

This is one of the most creative gift card presentation ideas for Christmas and it is even more creative than the paper envelope holder. As seen in the photos above, the Gift card insert envelope looks more like a mini booklet than an envelope.

You can experiment with as many designs as you want till you get something that you think will impress your friend.

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To make this gift card, you will need many tools and you’ll need to have a creative mind. This tutorial from Everyday Jenny will help set you on the right track.

When you’re done with the designs, you can place the gift card in between the covers and tie a bow between the two holes to hold it in place. The bow also makes the gift card holder to look more stylish.

Mason Jar Gift Card Holder With Candy

If you plan on giving the gift card to someone that loves candy, then this might one of the best gift card presentation ideas for Christmas you can try out.

To set it up, you will have to get two mason jars of different sizes but with the same size lids. Fill the smaller jar with candy (definitely your friend or partner’s favorite type) and place the gift card in the bigger one.

Glue the two rings together so that the two jars stay in place when screwed.

If you’re having trouble with this gift card idea you can check out Something Turquoise for the full tutorial. This is also a creative way to give multiple gift cards.

Paper Bow Gift Card Holder

This is another creative gift card presentation idea for Christmas that will cost you nothing to make. All you need to wrap up your gift card is nothing but paper.

This gift card presentation box might just look a gift wrapped in paper but if you’re good with designs, you can make it count for more.

To make this gift card holder, you will need to use a cutting machine and draw out a template.

Your template is simply a design you have in mind. If you don’t have a cutting machine, you can use scissors to cut the paper.

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Unfortunately, using a scissors requires a lot of precision and accuracy or you will end up making a lot of mistakes and cutting the paper wrongly. But if you’re crafty with scissors you can go ahead and do your thing.

Once you’ve cut out the box, cut out a matching paper bow to make it look like you’ve really wrapped the gift card. You can find a step-by-step guide on how to perfect this gift card display idea on Maritza Lisa.

Felt Envelop Gift Card Holder

If you feel like gifting someone a gift card in a paper envelope gift card holder sounds and looks cheap then you should try out this felt envelope gift card holder.

There are many ways you can customize the felt envelope gift card holder. Rather than just making an envelope to hold the gift card, you can do more by sewing a message to the front of the envelope.

Making felt envelope gift card holders is very easy and you can follow this Paper & Stitch’s tutorial to get started. In the tutorial, you will find many creative ways to customize the outside of the gift card and if you’re creative enough, you can easily come up with your own designs.

Cassette Tape Gift Card Holder

If you don’t have an old cassette tape with you then this gift card presentation idea might not be for you. But if you do, you can easily use your design skills to create something impressive.

To get started, you’ll need a cassette tape holder. All you have to do is to remove the printed sleeve from the original cassette, then start designing it.

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You can use almost anything to create an impressive design. You can also try out stickers or glitter. Wait till everything has dried, then paint the edges of the cassette holder to make it look unique.

This tutorial by Mod Podge Rocks will show how to create a unique cassette tape gift card holder.

Wrapping Up Christmas Gift card presentation ideas

You can try out as many of these gift card presentation ideas for Christmas as you want.

You can also use different gift card display ideas to gift multiple gift cards.

If you’re really creative, you can make these cheap, DIY gift card holders look unique and worthwhile.

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