10 Best Business To Start With Little Money In Nigeria [2020 Updated]

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

At the end of the article, you will know the right and profitable business you can start with little money in Nigeria.

Currently the rate of unemployed youth in Nigerian is very high because there is no job for the university graduates to work after they have completed the education including NYSC, some Nigerians are jobless even after they have gotten their PhD degree.

Best Business To Start

The best way to avoid all the mess and disgrace of joblessness is to start small business with little money so that you will have something to do and at the same time something to eat.

So in this article you will have the knowledge of small businesses you can invest in with little money and make huge amount of money after some months or years.

Best Business To Start With Little Money In Nigeria

2020 is a great year you need to double your hustle, we have taken to review some of the profitable business to start with little or no capital so of them just require you skills

1. Cassava Farming Business

Cassava Farming best business to start

Cassava is one of the most consume food in Africa most especially in Nigeria, because cassava can be process to many foods like, garri, fufu, elubo, aside from food cassava is used as raw materials in numerous companies across Nigeria and also in Africa as a whole.

Cassava farming is a good and welcome ideas when it comes to small business idea in Nigeria, because you can start with little amount of money. It very overwhelming that you can start cassava farming with just N50, 000 or more.

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Its profitable business that required just nine months to harvest your cassava depends on the varieties that you planted.

You can invest in this business even if you don’t have any farming experience because you can learn it within short period of time or hire expert to handle it for you.

2. Yam Farming Business

Yam Farming business in Nigeria

Yam farming is also one of the best small scale business you can start in Nigeria, yam is an essential meal food crop in Nigeria and almost every countries of the world to the extent Nigeria do export

Yam farming is very profitable small scale business in Nigeria because the demand is very high especially in major cities in Nigeria like Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt all these cities has no space for farming because all the lands are used for housing and other things, at the same time farmers don’t live there.

With just N100, 000 you can start yam production business with farming experience because you can hire expert to work for you or coach you.

3. Mini Importation Business 

Mini importation businesse

Nigeria is one of the countries that didn’t consume what they produce, in Nigeria we all import everything we use including took pick.

You can take the advantages of this situation to enrich yourself, you don’t need to have millions in your bank account before you can start importing any product in Nigeria that is why it is called mini importation.

You can start importing little things like, phones, bags, shoe and other things through the use of different websites like AliExpress.com, eBay, 1688.com and others, you can also choose from all the shipping companies in Nigeria like, Admiral Marine, Chrismatel Shipping, Sailbond Shipping and others.

Mini Importation business is very profitable because you will import from others countries in cheap price, with N50, 000 you can start this business.

4. Web Design and Development

Website design and development best business to start

Web design and development is one the list for the best business to start with little money in Nigeria currently.

Website through CMS website builders or coding is very important for every business now both big and small business need good and user friendly website to reach more people and at the same time make more sales especially online users likewise is not longer a news that over 60% of Nigerians have access to the internet.

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Web design and development is the best business you can start with NO
CAPITAL in Nigeria because you don’t need an office together started all you need is your web design and development skill, laptop and internet connection.

The most interesting part about web design and development is that you can learn it online without paying for anybody.

5. Blogging Best Business to Start

Blogging best business to start

Blogging is also on the list for the best business to start in Nigeria with little money, blogging is one of the most profitable online business if property set up, this business has turn Nigerians to million including the CEO of Lindaikejisblog, naijaloaded and others.

You too can do the same thing as well, the only problem in this industry is competition but you can still make some cash from it.

6. Graphics Design

Graphic design best business to start

Graphics design is one of the best business you can start in Nigeria with little money, Because you can start this business you need to master the graphic design tools that is graphics designer use to carry out their operations including Photoshop, and others.

7. Fish Farming Business

Fish Family business

Fish farming is very profitable in Nigeria currently because the demand is increasing everyday especially cat fish, you can start this business with little capital after some training.

Fish farming is one of the fast money making business in Nigeria currently because you will return on your investment within few months of investment.

You can start fish farming with N100, 000

8. Driving for Uber

Driving For Uber businesses

If you live in Lagos, Abuja or Port Harcourt then this profitable business is for you.

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You can make over 100,000 per week working as an Uber driver, all what you need to start is a car and then sign up on Uber website.

9. Cupcake and Cake Bakery

Cupcake and Cake Bakery

Cake is very important in Nigeria currently because it used in numerous event like wedding ceremony, birthday party and others, the demand is increasing everyday.

You can also invest little money in the business after you have acquired the necessary skill needed.

10. SEO Agency Best Business To Start

SEO Agency Best Business To Start

The demand for SEO expert is increasing day by day in Nigeria because every business is now moving from analog to digital, every business owner want to be at the top of the search engine because they know that they will make more sales if they can, in this process the service of an SEO expert is needed.

You can set up an SEO agency where take all SEO job around you and get paid for it is.

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