How to Activate Visa Gift Card without No Activation Fees

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Last Updated on 2 years by Komolafe Bamidele

If you have a visa gift card is imperative, you activate it before use. No doubt that a Visa card can be used for any online purchase that you deem fit, but you must activate your card.

Activate Visa Gift Card Without charging

Some Visa gift cards are activated automatically during purchase, while others require additional procedures.

There are several ways you can activate the card. You can activate the visa gift card online or by dialling the phone number printed on the card.

Once the card is activated, you can proceed to register for online use.

Vanilla Visa Gift Card Activation

You may wonder if it is necessary to activate Vanilla gift cards that you open or other people open. Well, if you check most of our blogs, we have talked about Vanilla gift cards.

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The gift cards do not require any activation once it’s purchased. This is so because Vanilla gift cards do not expire like credit cards, meaning no credit check is required.

Do You Have to Activate Visa Gift Card?

It’s a must that you should instantly activate the visa gift card before use. Although most gift cards are activated at the time of purchase, you don’t have to activate them in this regard.

Activate Visa Gift Card

It is important to note that most visa gift cards require activation by recipients.

As stated above, you can easily activate the visa gift card by calling the number phone printed on the card or using the merchant’s website.

How to Check Visa Debit Card Balance

Knowing your visa debit card balance is vital. To check your balance, enter your bank website and check the account associated with your debit card.

This information is also available through your bank app which can easily be downloaded. Remember, all your visa debit transactions are sent automatically to your bank account.

Your monthly bank statement provides verifiable details regarding your purchase.

No Activation Fee Visa Gift Card

Many people tend to ask if there is a way to activate visa gift cards without paying the activation fee. The answer is no, whether purchase fee or activation fee, you cannot avoid paying the activation fees.

There may be ways to save costs on visa gift cards, but you cannot entirely avoid paying of activation fee.

The activation fee is to cover the money issuers pay to third parties like the card processor, the store, the program manager, and more. The fee for each gift card varies depending on the value.

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For instance, a $100 card activation fee is $5.95, whereas, a $200 card is $6.95.

Vanilla visa gift card balance

Checking your Vanilla visa gift card balance should not be much of a hassle.

Vanilla visa gift card balance

You can go to the official site and input your gift cards details like Card expiration date, card pin, card number, and any other relevant information.


The use of visa gift cards and vanilla gift cards has never been easy, like in recent times. We suggest you subscribe to our newsletter if you are looking for the right blog or website to get information about gift cards.

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