121 Spanish Reviews: The Best System for Learning Spanish in 2019

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Last Updated on 1 year by Komolafe Bamidele

Spanish is one of the most-spoken languages in the world today. 121 spanish reviews that over 400 million native speakers all over the world, the chances of you meeting someone fluent in Spanish is really high.

To speak Spanish fluently, you will have to stay close to the native speakers or learn from a teacher. You can never be great at speaking Spanish if you Google and translate words to Spanish.

This is why you need 121 Spanish. 121spanish.com is notably the best online Spanish tutor for you in 2019. With this tutor, you wouldn’t be learning from robots or getting automated responses, rather you’ll be taught by qualified and experienced Spanish teachers.

121 spanish Reviews

Our 121 Spanish review covers everything about the online tutor including pricing, study flexibility, and courses. We could easily tell you to go for this tutor as it is the best, however, we’ll let its features convince you.

Here are some of the amazing features 121 Spanish has to offer.

121 Spanish Tutors

One of the things that make a great online tutoring platform is the tutors themselves.

Even if the platform is well-designed, easy to understand and the prices are just right, the lack of qualified tutors can pose a problem.

121 Spanish has a lot of experienced tutors all with several years of experience in teaching Spanish.

Some of these tutors hold a degree in Spanish from different universities all over the world.
On the platform, you’ll be given a chance to select the tutor you want.

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You can also try different tutors at any time of your choosing. 121Spanish has the best set of tutors which is why it is ranked as the best system for learning Spanish in 2019.

121 Spanish Courses

121 spanish Courses Reviews

121 Spanish doesn’t just teach you Spanish so that you can be able to speak it fluently, it teaches it so that you can use it just for the reason you learned it. This is why it has different courses tailored to meet the needs of the users. Its courses include:

  • General Spanish Courses

  • Spanish for Business Purposes

  • Spanish for Emergency Responders

  • Spanish Conversational Practice In Informal Interactions

  • Spanish for Academic Responders

  • Spanish For Children

  • Homeschool Spanish Courses

  • Spanish for Travel, Tourism and Cultural Understanding

You can pick a course based on the reason you want to study Spanish. Spanish for children is the best course for kids as it is tailored to their understanding.

Spanish for emergency responders is for emergency workers who want to improve their ability to communicate with Spanish speakers.

You can go ahead to 121Spanish.com and pick any course based on your reason for learning Spanish.

121 Spanish Pricing

121 spanish Courses Pricing Reviews

Pricing is a very important factor to consider when choosing an online learning platform.

121Spanish.com has one of the most affordable prices even for its service quality. Its prices come with several discounts which are quite encouraging.

The classes last for 50 minutes and consist of a one-on-one live class with the tutor. This makes it easier for you to learn and connect with your tutor.

Learning Resources

Whether or not you sign up for their Spanish classes, you can make use of their free learning resources. It consists of notes, videos, and exercises that will improve your Spanish grammar and vocabulary.

Level Test

Before signing up to the platform, you can test your Spanish level to know how good you are at speaking Spanish. It’s best to be honest to yourself when taking the test. You can speak with your tutor about the test and share areas of focus you will like them to consider.

What You Should Expect From 121Spanish

Learning with 121Spanish can be quite fun. You can register for a free trial account and get assigned to a teacher immediately you confirm your email address.

You can also choose the day and time that’s best for you on the free trial version.

121 Spanish makes use of Zoom for its one-on-one live sessions. Zoom allows people to make video and audio calls and chat, as well as, share documents through the platform.

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You’ll need a strong internet connection if you want to get the best experience while learning on the platform. This will help prevent video glitches during the lesson.

You’ll be taught the basics during your first Spanish lesson. At the end of the lesson, you will receive a document summarizing everything you’ve learned. You will also receive an assignment for the next session.

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During your session, you will find that the tutors are very patient and encouraging, so you shouldn’t hold back anything you wish to share about your lessons.

You can go head to 121Spanish.com to sign up and start learning how to speak Spanish fluently.

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